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Bad Charts Matt Arnold. Moiré The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Charts Matt Arnold. Moiré The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bad Charts Matt Arnold

2 Moiré

3 The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Edward R. Tufte

4 Arthur H Miller, Edie N Goldenberg, Lutz Erbring, “Type-Set Politics: Impact of Newspapers on Public Confidence,” American Political Science Review, 73 (1979), 67-84 “Chartjunk”



7 LIE FACTOR “Lie factors greater than 1.05 or less than 0.95 indicate substantial distortion, far beyond minor inaccuracies in plotting” Lie factor =Size of effect shown in graphic Size of effect in data

8 Lie factor: 14.8 New York Times, 9 th August 1978, p D-2 Line increase: 783% Actual increase: 53%

9 Lie Factor: 9.4 Time, 9 th April 1979, p57 Volume increase: 4280% Actual increase: 454%

10 “This may well be the worst graphic ever to find its way into print” American Education, 1970

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