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Elementary School Middle School High School Independent Study District Office N Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope.

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Presentation on theme: "Elementary School Middle School High School Independent Study District Office N Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elementary School Middle School High School Independent Study District Office N Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope & Sequence School Site Locations Figure 1 2 miles Vandenberg Lompoc Mission Air Force Base Village Hills

2 Elementary School Site District Office High School Site Middle School Site Elementary School Site Indep. Study School Site High School Site All Schools currently have a point to point dedicated fiber optics run to the district server room provided by COMCAST. Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope & Sequence Wide Area Network (WAN) status & speeds Figure 2 Internet Service provided through COMCAST 140 Mbps 250 Mbps Internet speed current Internet speed future goal 1 Gbps 10 Gbps Network speed current Network speed future goal Elementary School Site

3 School Site Server Room Location Building A All Buildings have a point to point dedicated fiber optics runs to the school site server called the Main Distribution Frame (MDF). Current LAN speed is 1 Gbps Future LAN speed goal is 10 Gbps Current Internet speed is 140 Mbps Future Internet speed goal is 250 Mbps Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope & Sequence Typical School Site Local Area Network (LAN) Figure 3 Main Distribution Frame (MDF) Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) Fiber optics (minimum, 2 strands to each building) School site building with multiple classrooms District Office Server equipment IDF MDF Building B IDF Building E IDF Building D IDF Building C IDF Building A

4 Room C3 Room C7 All classrooms have point to point dedicated copper cable runs to the building data control switch (i.e., Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF)). Maximum data speed from building IDF to classroom ports is less than fiber optics backbone runs to campus server (see below). Current building speed is 100 Mbps Future building speed goal is 1 Gbps Current Internet speed is 100 Mbps Future Internet speed goal is 250 Mbps Lompoc Unified School District California Common Core Technology Scope & Sequence Typical Building Network Schematic Figure 4 Building Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) Fiber optics (minimum, 2 strands) 2 Ports at each drop location 2 Ports School Site MDF (Server room) Copper cable (CAT 5e) from IDF to classroom ports IDF Building C Room C4 Room C2 Room C5 Room C1 Room C6

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