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Rail Grade Crossings School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-161.

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Presentation on theme: "Rail Grade Crossings School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-161."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rail Grade Crossings School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-161

2 Six requirements Five exceptions Consequences Challenging rail grade crossings Containment area Light rail transit Rail Grade Crossings School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-162

3 Rail Grade Crossing Requirements School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-163

4 Rail Grade Crossing Requirements Stop at all crossings Use simultaneously flashing amber hazard lamps School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-164

5 Rail Grade Crossing Requirements Open the door and driver window to listen Reduce noise School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-165

6 Rail Grade Crossing Requirements Safely proceed across and completely clear the rail grade Do not change gears School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-166

7 Evaluation (1.) Describe the six requirements that apply to drivers of school buses during rail grade crossings as defined in WAC 392-145-070. School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-167

8 Evaluation 1.Stop at all crossings (with five exceptions). 2.Use simultaneously flashing amber hazard lamps within two hundred feet prior to stopping. 3.Open the door and driver window to listen for approaching trains. 4.Reduce noise and quiet students while listening for approaching trains. 5.Do not proceed until the door is closed, visibility is clear, and the school bus can safely proceed across and completely clear the rail grade. 6.Do not change gears. School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-168

9 Rail Grade Crossing Exceptions School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-169

10 Five Exceptions Controlled by a police officer or flagger FLAGGER NOT A FLAGGER School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1610

11 Five Exceptions Control signal transmitting a green light School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1611

12 Five Exceptions Tracks used exclusively for a streetcar or industrial switching School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1612

13 Five Exceptions (continued) “EXEMPT" sign School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1613

14 Five Exceptions (continued) “OUT-OF-SERVICE” sign School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1614

15 Evaluation (2.) Describe the five exceptions for stopping at rail grade crossings. 1.Controlled by a police officer or flagger 2.Control signal transmitting a green light 3.Tracks used exclusively for a streetcar or industrial switching 4.Exempt sign 5.Out-of-service sign School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1615

16 Ticket for Failure to Stop CDL Suspended for 60 days Revocation of authorization for 5 years School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1616

17 Evaluation (3.) Name two consequences for failing to stop at a rail grade crossing 1.CDL will be suspended for 60 days after the first offense. 2.Authorization will be suspended for 5 years. School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1617

18 Challenging Rail Grade Configurations School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1618

19 Challenging Rail Grade Configurations Sharp Angles School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1619

20 Challenging Rail Grade Configurations Intersections 15 feet Rail light Rail School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1620

21 Challenging Rail Grade Configurations Making left hand turns 15 feet Rail light Rail School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1621

22 Challenging Rail Grade Configurations Containment areas 15 feet? Rail Rail light Traffic light School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1622

23 Evaluation (4.) Name two different types of challenging rail grade crossing configurations. 1.Sharp angles 2.Containment areas 3.Intersections 4.Making left hand turns School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1623

24 Containment Area School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1624

25 Containment Area Length of bus Size of containment Room opposite of tracks Add 15 feet to length of school bus School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1625

26 Evaluation (5.) Describe how to use the containment area safely. 1.Know length of bus. 2.Know size of containment area. 3.Observe amount of room opposite of tracks at intersections with signal lights or stop signs. Be certain you have enough room to stop. 4.Add 15 feet to the length of a school bus. School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1626

27 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Adhere to all lights, signals, signage You may not hear or see it coming! School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1627

28 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Tram School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1628

29 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Trolleybus School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1629

30 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Tourist Trolley School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1630

31 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Trolley (horse-drawn) School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1631

32 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Neighborhood trolley School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1632

33 Light Rail Transit (LRT) Rail push trolley Modern inspection vehicle School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1633

34 Evaluation (6.) Name two types of Light Rail Transit. 1.Tram 2.Trolleybus 3.Tourist trolley 4.Trolley 5.Neighborhood trolley 6.Rail push trolley School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1634

35 Summary Today we talked about: Six requirements Five exceptions Consequences Challenging rail grade crossings School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1635

36 Summary Containment area Light rail transit We watched a video and learned about public safety and great train facts School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1636

37 School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1637

38 The End School Bus Driver Inservice 2015-1638

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