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RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS Stephanie Weidman Oversight and Safety Division September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS Stephanie Weidman Oversight and Safety Division September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS Stephanie Weidman Oversight and Safety Division September 2015

2 Operation, Maintenance and Emergency Manual Basics

3 OM&E Manual Basics O: Operations M: Maintenance E: Emergency 3

4 Session Overview Goals of this presentations are: 1)General O&M Information 2)Code specific O&M procedures required 3)Code specific emergency plan procedures required

5 Session Overview Goals of this presentations are: 1)General O&M Information 2)Code specific O&M procedures required 3)Code specific emergency plan procedures required

6 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605(a): General – Each operator shall prepare/follow, for each pipeline, a manual of written procedures for: Conducting operations and maintenance activities Handling abnormal operations (Transmission only) Conducting emergency response activities ‒Must be updated and reviewed every calendar year not to exceed 15 months 6

7 Session Overview Goals of this presentations are: 1)General O&M Information 2)Code specific O&M procedures required 3)Code specific emergency plan procedures required

8 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (b): Procedures for operation and maintenance activities include: 1)Operating, maintaining, and repairing the pipeline in accordance with Subpart M 2)Corrosion control in accordance with Subpart I 3)Making maps, construction records and operating history available to personnel 4)Gathering data needed for reportable incidents (Part 191) in timely/effective manner 8

9 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (b): Manual must include procedures for the following: 5)Start-up/ shut down to assure within MAOP limits 6)Compressor Station 7)Start-up/ Shutdown of gas compressor units 8)Determine effectiveness of current procedures and modify as needed 9

10 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (b): Manual must include procedures for the following: 9)Trench/excavation safety 10)Testing/inspection of pipe-type or bottle-type holders 11)Prompt response to odor complaints 12)Implementing control room management procedures required by 192.631 10

11 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (c): Procedures for abnormal operations include : 1)Responding/investigating/correcting: ‒Unintended shut-downs/ valve closures ‒Pressure fluctuations outside normal operating limits ‒Loss of communications (SCADA) ‒Operation of any safety device ‒Any other malfunction, deviation from normal operation, personnel error resulting in hazard 11

12 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (c): Procedures for abnormal operations include : 2)Checking operation after abnormal operation has ended at critical locations to determine integrity and safe operation. 3)Notifying personnel was abnormal operation received. 4)Determine effectiveness of current procedures and modify as needed 12

13 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (d):Safety Related Condition procedures include: – Instructions enabling personnel who perform O&M activities to recognize conditions that potentially may be safety-related conditions per 191.23 13

14 Session Overview Goals of this presentations are: 1)General O&M Information 2)Code specific O&M procedures required 3)Code specific emergency plan procedures required

15 OM&E Manual Basics 49 CFR 192.605 (e):Emergency Response procedures include: – The procedures required by 192.613(a), 192.615, and 192.617 must be included in the O&M manual. 49 CFR 192.613(a): Continuing Surveillance 49 CFR 192.615: Emergency Plans and Liaison 49 CFR 192.617: Investigation of Failures 15

16 Summary OM&E made up of three main sections 1)Operations and Maintenance Procedures 2)Emergency Procedures 3)Reporting procedures per 49 CFR Part 191

17 Contact Information Questions? Stephanie Weidman Austin Regional Manager 512-463-2519 17

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