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Product Maintenance Brian Russell. Exam expectations Issues associated with product maintenance and storage are often tested in the written paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Product Maintenance Brian Russell. Exam expectations Issues associated with product maintenance and storage are often tested in the written paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Maintenance Brian Russell

2 Exam expectations Issues associated with product maintenance and storage are often tested in the written paper.

3 Product maintenance Ever bought an electrical product and discovered that it needs batteries once you get home? Ever bought a product then discovered that it is cheaper to replace than repair? Ever bought a food product to find it is out of date? Urrrrrgh!

4 Product maintenance Many products have a life expectancy based on some degree of maintenance. One example of this would be the personal stereo. The batteries will need to be changed regularly and it is important that access is easy but secure.

5 Servicing More complex products such as automobiles have very detailed maintenance schedules. Records are kept so that the manufacturer’s warranty is valid. Only authorised garages can carry out the maintenance during the warranty period.

6 Servicing Some products display signs to indicate when servicing is due This is particularly common in automobiles

7 Storage and handling There are lots of symbols found on products and their packaging to advise on storage and handling

8 Food products Food products often have a lifespan written into their specification and have specific storage requirements. ‘Use by...’ or ‘best before end...’ dates are found on most food products. There is a safety margin built into the specification to ensure that the product is fit to eat.

9 Care labels Clothing manufacturers have agreed an international code to assist with product maintenance. Care labels are an essential part of many textile products.

10 Maintenance Issues The following slides show just a few products which require regular maintenance to keep them working at their best. Perhaps you can think of others?

11 Maintenance Issues Virus Scan Disk clean Clean inside mouse (if ball type) Wipe monitor and casing Defragmentation Back-up data Delete unwanted files Install updates

12 Maintenance Issues Tyre pressure checks Oil chain/adjust Adjust and oil bearings Replace batteries in lights Gear change oil/adjust Brake wear/adjustment Tyre wear/replacement

13 Maintenance Issues Replace gripper strip Check/replace wheels Replace steering rubbers Oil bearings

14 Maintenance Issues Wash/clean Remove stones from grip Deodorise Replace laces Replace inner sole

15 Maintenance Issues Wash/dry clean Condition Iron/press Check seams/hems Replace buttons/zips

16 Maintenance Issues Recharge battery Update phone numbers Delete messages Clean/replace cover Load apps

17 Maintenance Issues Wash/clean Change/top up oil Re-fuel Check tyre wear/pressure Check/replace light bulbs Charge battery Check steering Check/replace brake pads

18 Maintenance Issues Empty dust container Clear blockages in pipes De-fluff brushes Clean/replace filters Check/replace drive belt

19 Maintenance Issues Clean/sterilise Defrost Clear outdated food Check/replace seals Check/replace light bulb

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