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This unit, the Protestant Reformation, continues some of the themes we learned about in the Renaissance: - The emergence of individualism in thought and.

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Presentation on theme: "This unit, the Protestant Reformation, continues some of the themes we learned about in the Renaissance: - The emergence of individualism in thought and."— Presentation transcript:


2 This unit, the Protestant Reformation, continues some of the themes we learned about in the Renaissance: - The emergence of individualism in thought and challenges to the church – new religious belief SOCIAL Monarchs gaining power (over the church) POLITICAL/ECONOMIC Technology changing the world (printing press) SOCIAL

3 New themes also emerge Religious tolerance SOCIAL Peasants desire for social change SOCIAL/POLITICAL

4 The Reformation Begins Assignment #1

5 Roots of the Reformation The Avignon Papacy 1309- 1389 Great Schism

6 Early Reformers Wycliff - Lollards Jan Hus

7 The Northern Renaissance: Prelude to the Reformation Last quarter of the 15th Century More Christian & stressed social reform based on Christian values Combined the best of classical & Christian cultures Education the key to social & moral reform

8 Sir Thomas More 1478-1535 Utopia

9 Erasmus (1466 - 1536) ‘Prince of the Humanists’

10 Let’s take a look at your geo guide to understand the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE

11 Clerical Problems Immorality Ignorance Corruption

12 The Master Salesman Tetzel Indulgences: pardoning of sins for a price

13 Martin Luther 1483-1546

14 “The 95 Theses”

15 ni1gupkGAW0 Take notes on the film clip to answer the following BIG PICTURE QUESTIONS: -How do Martin Luther’s actions connect to the theme of Individualism ? How is it a revolution in personal belief and action? -How is the reformation political? -How does technology impact the Reformation?

16 How was the Reformation political, religious and economic

17 The Printing Press

18 Pope Leo X 1475 - 1521 Member of Medici Family

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