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Bioethical Challenges in the Pacific Islands Sue Vize UNESCO Office for the Pacific States Apia, Samoa.

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Presentation on theme: "Bioethical Challenges in the Pacific Islands Sue Vize UNESCO Office for the Pacific States Apia, Samoa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bioethical Challenges in the Pacific Islands Sue Vize UNESCO Office for the Pacific States Apia, Samoa

2 The Pacific Region

3 Development in the Pacific

4 Pacific Cultures & Epistemologies

5 Pacific Ethical Dialogue 1.Are ethics universal or contextual? Ethics are context and culture specific thus dialogue needs to explore aspects of culture

6 Pacific Ethical Dialogue 2. Collective vs Individual Rights R\In the Pacific rights only occur within the context of relationships and are inseparably bound to responsibility

7 Pacific Ethical Dialogue 3. Pacific Research Pacific people must benefit from research in which they are involved

8 Further dialogue on Pacific Ethics Sacred vs open knowledge The role of Christian values Developing Pacific ethical frameworks to guide practice

9 Thank you

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