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Licensing Versus Going to Market Alone Warren Tuttle Monashee Marketing 203-594-8808.

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Presentation on theme: "Licensing Versus Going to Market Alone Warren Tuttle Monashee Marketing 203-594-8808."— Presentation transcript:

1 Licensing Versus Going to Market Alone Warren Tuttle Monashee Marketing 203-594-8808

2  External Product Development Lifetime Brands  President United Inventors Association  Monashee Marketing

3  New York City retail store Buyer…learned housewares industry from ground up  Specialty Retail Store Owner  Independent Inventor Advocate  External Product Development for Lifetime Brands....25 licensing deals past two years  Taken several products directly to retail  UIA President


5 Lifetime Brands 30,000 products 9 Divisions 32 Brands including Farberware, Kitchen Aid, Cuisinart, Pedrini, Towle, Mikasa, Pfaltzgraf

6  Taking your product to market through others  Leveraging valuable IP  Making a royalty on each unit sold  Establishing a fair royalty amount ($ or %)  Negotiating exclusive or non-exclusive terms  Setting annual quantity minimums  Securing a signing advance  Determining length of licensing agreement

7  Taking a professional approach  Understanding industry licensing guidelines  Vetting product at retail  Develop working prototype proving function  CADs and photos  Researching and filing for a patent  Creating a Sell Sheet  NDAs

8  Research your industry  Retail store and catalog shopping  Internet Searches  Trade Shows  Industry Trade Magazines  Industry Contacts  Determine company with broadest distribution and reach  Seek “Inventor Friendly” companies

9  When personal resources are limited  When industry standards are stacked against you…the plight of the single sku vendor  When you are working on multiple projects  When running a company is not for you  When your personal creative and business strengths lie elsewhere  When a larger company can simply do it better than you

10  Product development services  Expanding patent opportunities  Branding  Established distribution  Expanded product assortment  Acknowledging Inventor  Platform for future licensing opportunities

11  Same initial development process (idea, prototype, patent search, marketplace vetting)  What are industry standards and nuances?  What are retailer requirements for single item vendors?  What is price point of the product? High margin and low volume opportunities.  Can you earn a windfall profit early on?  Can you build and sell the business?

12 1) Early Development Costs 2) Tooling 3) Manufacturing 4) Inventory 5) Shipping 6) Warehousing 7) Disbursement 8) Billing 9) Collection

13  Financial Resources…access to $  Time…quit your day job?  Passion…are you a visionary, or simply crazy?  Consumer Research…sketchy  Industry…challenges within each  Product…ability to manufacture  Margins…high or low volume  Personal Goals…quality of life

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