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Penicillin Paul Stackaruk. Is the chemical naturally occurring? Is it synthesized? There does it come from? The chemical is a naturally occurring fungi.

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Presentation on theme: "Penicillin Paul Stackaruk. Is the chemical naturally occurring? Is it synthesized? There does it come from? The chemical is a naturally occurring fungi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penicillin Paul Stackaruk

2 Is the chemical naturally occurring? Is it synthesized? There does it come from? The chemical is a naturally occurring fungi. It was first synthesized in a lab when Dr Alexander Fleming who accidently left out on a petri dish containing staphylococcus over night. the next day Dr. Fleming noticed the moulds growth on the staphylococcusis was being restricted by some penicillin that was also grow in the dish with it. Penicillin comes from the penicillium notatum, abacteria killing fungus that comes from mould.

3 When was it discovered and how was it discovered? Penicillin was discovered Friday morning on September 28 1928 in the basement of St. Mary's hospital in London England Alex Fleming had accidently left a petri dish out containing staphylococcus. There was blue and green mould growing in the dish with a halo of what would soon be known as penicillin. The penicillin was restricting the growth of the mould. The penicillin worked by feeding off the staphylococcus bacteria.

4 What are the direct and indirect uses of penicillin? Penicillin is directly used as an antibiotic drug that treats infections. Penicillin has no indirect uses aside from its side effects that include… Joint pain Hyperventilation Fever Sudden fainting or light headedness Swelling around face Red scaly skin Rash, hive, itching Abdominal tenderness Stomach cramps Decreased amount of urine Diarrhea

5 How has the synthesis of this molecule changed use/cost Diseases are starting to be resistant to penicillin so we are starting to have to come up with new treatments and strands of penicillin that are more expensive and take more time to develop. Production of penicillin has come a long was since if first appeared on a petri dish in 1929. Penicillin is now mass produced by using feedbatch cells. This mass production keeps the price of penicillin lower than if we were still using individual petri dishes like they used in before mass production.

6 What are the direct risks of making penicillin There are no direct risks with developing penicillin other than if you come in contact with the drug and you are allergic to it.

7 What are the indirect risks of making or using penicillin The only indirect risks of using penicillin are the side effects which include… Joint pain Hyperventilation Fever Sudden fainting or light headedness Swelling around face Red scaly skin Rash, hive, itching Abdominal tenderness Stomach cramps Decreased amount of urine Diarrhea

8 Indirect and direct effects The only direct effect is that it can kill a bacterial infection you could be having. The only indirect effects are these side effects Joint pain Hyperventilation Fever Sudden fainting or light headedness Swelling around face Red scaly skin Rash, hive, itching Abdominal tenderness Stomach cramps Decreased amount of urine Diarrhea

9 Are there alternatives that could be used that may lessen the risks The following medicines can be used in place of penicillin it the infection you are fighting if resistant to the current penicillin you are using or fore some reason you cant use penicillin you can use of the following drugs. Benzene penicillin (Penicillin G) Procaine penicillin

10 Bibliography

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