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NOAAPort Satellite Broadcast Network Scott Christensen NOAA NWS Office of Science and Technology 2011 Satellite Direct Readout Conference, Miami FL April.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAAPort Satellite Broadcast Network Scott Christensen NOAA NWS Office of Science and Technology 2011 Satellite Direct Readout Conference, Miami FL April."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAAPort Satellite Broadcast Network Scott Christensen NOAA NWS Office of Science and Technology 2011 Satellite Direct Readout Conference, Miami FL April 7, 2011

2 Contents What is NOAAPort? Approximate Coverage Area Channels and Network Expansion Technical Specifications NOAAPort Product Types & Future Additions Reference and Contact Information Acronyms

3 What is NOAAPort? NOAA’s Satellite Broadcast Network NOAAPort– also known as the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN)– is the primary vehicle through which hydrometeorological products are provided to NWS field office AWIPS systems. The vast majority of NOAAPort products are freely available to NOAA’s partners.

4 What is NOAAPort? NOAA’s Satellite Broadcast Network GOES POES NOAA/NESDIS NOAA/NWS DCS AVHRR HIRS/AMSU GVAR NCEP Hydromet Sensor Products (e.g., radar, ASOS, Profiler, River Gages) TOC NWSTG Satellite Product Generation AWIPS NCF Guidance & Model Products Satellite imagery Other Environmental Satellite Products SES-1 Satellite NOAAPort Uplink Facility (NY) WFO/RFC Forecasts, Watches Warnings NOAAPort Users Includes Many Users – Inside and Outside of NOAA

5 NOAAPort Approximate Coverage Area

6 NOAAPort Channels - There are four NOAAPort data streams, each with a unique DVB PID: GOES/NESDIS NCEP/NWSTG NCEP/NWSTG2 OCONUS Imagery/Model/DCP Expansion Drivers – Existing NOAAPort channels are highly utilized. Emerging requirements, such as for NPP, GOES-R, JPSS, NCEP model, and dual polarization radar, necessitate network expansion. NOAAPort Channels and Network Expansion

7 NOAAPort Network Expansion Expansion currently underway! Network bandwidth increase from 10 to 30 Mbps. Transition from DVB-S to DVB-S2. Supports MPE and VCM. 30 day window of “dual illumination,” April 18 to May 17, 2011. AWIPS SBN Channel Resizing – New product additions, starting in July-August 2011.

8 NOAAPort Technical Specifications * Scheduled for mid-May 2011. ParameterBefore ExpansionAfter Expansion* Data Rate10240 kbps30240 kbps Modulation Phases48 Coding Rate7/82/3 SatelliteSES-1 (101° West Longitude) Transponder Input Backoff7.0 dB Transponder Output Backoff4.0 dB Attenuator Setting10 dB14 dB Carrier to Interference Ratio16.0 dB Transponder Usable Bandwidth35 MHz Faded System Margin1.0 dB Uplink Site / Master Ground StationHauppauge, NY Transponder Center Frequency6185 MHz6225 MHz Transmit EIRP59.2 dBW68.8 dBW

9 NOAAPort Technical Specifications (Continued) ParameterBefore ExpansionAfter Expansion* Digital Video BroadcastDVB-SDVB-S2 Input Stream Identifier (ISI)NA13 Free Space Path Loss199.9 dB Uplink Rain Margin1.0 dB Saturated Satellite Flux Density-98.5 dBW/m 2 -98.2 dBW/m 2 Effective Satellite Flux Density-88.5 dBW/m 2 -84.2 dBW/m 2 Downlink Frequency (C Band)3956.5 MHz4008.0 MHz Downlink PolarizationVertical NWS Field Node Dish Diameter CONUS, excluding fringe CONUS, fringe Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico Two sizes: 3.7 and 3.8 meters 4.5 meters 7.3 meters Uplink Dish Size (MGS – Hauppauge, NY)9.3 meters Uplink Dish Size (BMGS – Fairmont, WV)7.3 meters * Scheduled for mid-May 2011.

10 NOAAPort Product Types* * Based on 2009 analysis.

11 Additional NWP & Forecast Guidance, such as NCEP’s High Resolution Window – Late 2011. Dual Polarization Weather Radar Products from WSR-88D – 2011 through 2013. NPP Imagery, Soundings, and Other Products – 2012 through 2013. GOES-R Series and JPSS Products – 2015 and beyond. NOAAPort Upcoming Product Additions

12 NOAAPort Reference and Contact Information NOAAPort Contacts Data and Products: Engineering/Technical:

13 Questions?

14 ASOS–Automated Surface Observing System AWIPS–Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System BUFR–Binary Universal Form for Representation of Meteorological Data CONUS–Continental US dBW–decibel watts DCP–Data Collection Platform DVB-S,DVB-S2–Digital Video Broadcast by Satellite (First & Second Generations) EIRP–Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power GINI–GOES Ingest/NOAAPORT Interface GOES–Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GRIB–Gridded Binary (Editions 1 and 2) JPSS–Joint Polar Satellite System (B)MGS–(Backup) Master Ground Station MPE–Multi-Protocol Encapsulation NCEP–National Centers for Environmental Prediction NCF–Network Control Facility NESDIS–National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service NPP–NPOESS Preparatory Project NWSTG–National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway also, the NOAAPort Channel that carries numerous NWSTG products OCONUS–Off CONUS PID–Packet ID POES–Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite RFC–River Forecast Center SBN–Satellite Broadcast Network (NOAAPort) VCM–Variable Coding and Modulation WFO–Weather Forecast Office NOAAPort Primary Acronyms

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