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CDE to RIM semantics Mapping Process. Steps Read the definition of the CDE Determine if the CDE represents an Act, Entity, Role Determine if there are.

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Presentation on theme: "CDE to RIM semantics Mapping Process. Steps Read the definition of the CDE Determine if the CDE represents an Act, Entity, Role Determine if there are."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDE to RIM semantics Mapping Process

2 Steps Read the definition of the CDE Determine if the CDE represents an Act, Entity, Role Determine if there are conflated classes by looking at the Data Element Concept Map the Date Element Concept to the HL7 class(es) Determine the classCode of the class Determine the attributes of the class that are required Assign appropriate structural codes Align the value (in the case of an Act) with the Value Domain datatype

3 Example Data Element: Microplate Well Criterion Standard Hit java.lang.Boolean Data element Data Element Definition: A flat dish with multiple individual wells that are arrayed in a standardized number, size, and arrangement.:A cavity or vessel used to contain liquid._That which constitutes a standard from which a judgment can be established, a reference point against which other things can be evaluated, or a basis for comparison.:An assay independent measure of compound performance in a chemical screen, specifically, a compound with a composite Z score above 8.53 and a reproducibility above 0.99._Generic value domain for a primitive java datatype that is a Boolean value (true or false).

4 Example Data Element Concept: Microplate Well Criterion Standard Hit Data Element Concept Definition: A flat dish with multiple individual wells that are arrayed in a standardized number, size, and arrangement.:A cavity or vessel used to contain liquid._That which constitutes a standard from which a judgment can be established, a reference point against which other things can be evaluated, or a basis for comparison.:An assay independent measure of compound performance in a chemical screen, specifically, a compound with a composite Z score above 8.53 and a reproducibility above 0.99. Object Class: Microplate Well Datatype: java.lang.Boolean

5 Class Selection This is a measurement result assessment It is thus an Act class, with a specialization of an Observation

6 Additional Considerations Because the Object class specifies a device, we can extend the definition of the CDE to its object class in RIM semantics, but this may not be advisable Next example does this to an extent

7 Observation Event

8 Observation Class classCode =OBS moodCode=EVN code=2753667 derivationExp=Z score above 8.53 and a reproducibility above 0.99 Title=Microplate Well Criterion Standard Hit java.lang.Boolean

9 Observation Class Text= A flat dish with multiple individual wells that are arrayed in a standardized number, size, and arrangement.:A cavity or vessel used to contain liquid._That which constitutes a standard from which a judgment can be established, a reference point against which other things can be evaluated, or a basis for comparison.:An assay independent measure of compound performance in a chemical screen, specifically, a compound with a composite Z score above 8.53 and a reproducibility above 0.99._Generic value domain for a primitive java datatype that is a Boolean value (true or false). value= true or false methodCode=ALGM

10 Example Data Element: Patient Vital Signs Heart Rate Physical Examination Value Data Element Concept: Patient Vital Signs Heart Rate Physical Examination Data Element Definition: the heart rate measured in beats per minute. Data Element Concept Definition: information relating to a physical examination (a systemic evaluation of the body and its functions using visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, aimed to determine the presence or absence of physical signs of disease or abnormality for individual's health assessment) of a patient's heart rate (the number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute). Object Class: Patient Datatype: Number

11 CDE Example (Data Element) 11

12 HL7 V3 Heart Rate Observation June 2010

13 code=364075005 codeSystem=2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 codeSystemName= SNOMED CT codeSystemVersion=SctIntl_20100131 displayName= heart rate ValueSet=2.16.840.1.113883.6.96.123 ValueSetVersion=20100601 Translation=C4967 V:ObservationInterpretationNormality: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10206 Pulse oximetry Continuous pulse oximetry Overnight pulse oximetry Cardiotachometer monitoring Intrapartum cardiotochogram monitoring Fetal heart monitoring in labor Tracing of carotid pulse with ECG lead Pulse taking Apical pulse taking Pedal pulse taking Peripheral pulse taking Radial pulse taking Cardiovascular physical examination Pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler Bidirectional pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler Unidirectional pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler Auscultation Auscultation of the fetal heart Immediate auscultation Mediate auscultation value=INT unit=/min Heart Rate Observation Detail June 2010

14 Mapping to BRIDG Identify Representative Set – Most commonly used (highest frequency CDE’s) – Diverse set representing all aspects of the model Manual mapping of CDE’s from caDSR to BRIDG CDE’s Document the business rules, patterns, etc The CDE’s are mapped to the BRIDG CDE’s through the BRIDG OWL representation – automated process The documented rules serve as framework for this automated mapping The automated mapping of CDE’s is validated against the manually mapped list Develop guidelines for semantic equivalence, that can be used to validate the mapping

15 BRIDG Mapping: Benefits BRIDG CDEs have concepts assigned to them, supporting ontological reasoning Mapping from CDE’s to BRIDG CDE’s is easier because they use the same structure BRIDG is mapped to RIM, this mitigates the issues related to a direct mapping to RIM Solution addresses a large set of CDE’s: Most of the CDE’s in caDSR belong to the clinical domain

16 BRIDG Mapping: Issues Context of the CDE’s are captured in the form, missing from the CDE as it is normalized for reuse. BRIDG CDE’s derive context from the model structure Value Domains: BRIDG CDE’s don’t have any value domains Establishing semantic equivalence Given how terms are used, ontological matching and using NCIT isn’t always straightforward Assumptions have to be made during the mapping process.

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