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Screw Jack Dokoupilová. Types jack Rack and pinion Hydraulic Screw pneumatic.

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Presentation on theme: "Screw Jack Dokoupilová. Types jack Rack and pinion Hydraulic Screw pneumatic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Screw Jack Dokoupilová

2 Types jack Rack and pinion Hydraulic Screw pneumatic

3 Screw jack Facilities subdivisions unloaded by being raised to the occasional heavy loads. The small hand and small power stroke derive considerable lifting. power Use: The auxiliary work in assembly, construction, raising of road and rail vehicles.¨ designed for lifting heavy loads, only a small amount. When you lift the load of the height we need to turn the screw. Part: spindle matrix covering of the housing stand, handle

4 The ratio of power to handle the weight of the load is less than the ridge of lifters. Screw lifter can raise the same force heavier loads.


6 Dictionary jack – zdvihák hydraulic jack – hydraulický zdvihák screw jack – šroubový zdvihák spindle – vřeteno matrix – matice covering of the housing – vidlice stand – podstavec handle – rukojeť

7 Thank you for your attention.

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