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Stress symptoms: when we see situations as a threat the body automatically prepares itself to fight or run away (fight or flight response).

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Presentation on theme: "Stress symptoms: when we see situations as a threat the body automatically prepares itself to fight or run away (fight or flight response)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress symptoms: when we see situations as a threat the body automatically prepares itself to fight or run away (fight or flight response).

2 Breathing becomes faster,

3 heightened perception, concentration and attention

4 Hormones(adrenalin) released during stress also affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. We may make decisions too fast before thinking things over and have problems remembering things. We may feel irritable, angry, afraid.

5 Emotional symptoms Feel driven, pressured, tired and fatigued Suffer anxiety Memory loss Illness such as cold and flu

6 Stress can accumulate till your system reaches a breaking point: Heart disease Ulcers Mental illness Insomnia (difficulty with sleeping) Personality changes

7 Physical and psychological stress can also lead to: Low self- esteem Decrease personal and academic effectiveness Create a cycle of self- blame and self-doubt

8 Managing stress : Physical coping strategies: -breathing exercises taking deep breathes helps calm you down

9 -relaxation and stretching exercises- helps relax tense muscles

10 -exercise- 20-30 minutes of exercise a day helps reduce stress- walking is a popular option

11 Struggle sleeping?- do something relaxing-sit in a chair, read a book, watch television… -avoid sleeping during the day no matter how tired you are -don’t do vigorous exercise in the evening -avoid caffeine or stimulants close to bedtime( coffee, tea, chocolate) -drink hot milk before going to bed -eat a banana 20 minutes before sleep time -SLEEP_gives the body time to relax and rejuvenate

12 Would you like to control your appetite, regulate your weight and boost your immune system without going on a special diet or taking a pill? It turns out you may just need more sleep. Researcher Neil Stanley has recently called for society to “reclaim the night” for some shut-eye. A good night’s sleep may be just as important as exercise and a healthy diet, but it’s rarely emphasized in public health campaigns. Aside from increased grumpiness and a reliance on caffeine, studies have indicated that inadequate sleep can lead to heart disease, diabetes and depression. Yet society tends to scorn sleep. As BBC explains: “It has been reported that tired drivers now cause more deaths on European roads than drunk drivers, and yet whilst it has become socially unacceptable to be drunk behind the wheel or in the workplace it is almost a matter of pride that we believe we can function properly when tired.” The culprit may be the very technology that was supposed to give us more free time. We’ve grown used to the convenience of 24/7 accessibility but found it increasingly hard to disconnect. Of course, some companies have already devised a high-tech answer: New York City nappers can rent state-of-the-art sleep pods at Yelo or MetroNaps. But for those of us who can’t get to a fancy sleep pod, how do you balance sleep with modern lifeYeloMetroNaps

13 Eat regular healthy meals, avoid sugary foods

14 . -Mental coping strategies- you’d be surprised how powerful your thoughts are…

15 -be aware- know your personal stress symptoms and reactions. Have an idea of the cause and solutions to the problem…

16 -be prepared- confront situations head on stay clear of stressful situations prepare in time be creative

17 -Keep perspective- we don’t also realize that our negative thoughts area a result of our stress levels



20 -MAKE MISTAKES- sometimes people can’t make up their minds how to solve their problems because they are too afraid to make mistakes

21 . -Spiritual coping strategies- people who believe have a greater ability to cope with stress

22 Assert yourself-be honest Solve your problems (come up with creative solutions) Let others help you Don’t cut yourself off when things get difficult Talk to someone you trust about your problems Do fun, relaxing things with people whose company you enjoy Ask for advice and help when you need it Social skills and support…

23 When you are irritable explain to others why you are reacting and tell them it’s not because of anything they are doing

24 Be there for others when they are stressed

25 -Time management and planning- Daily sources of stress such as running late, not finishing assignments in time or not being prepared for tests can be prevented by managing your time well..

26 Indicators of poor planning Always in a hurry Often late for appointments Don’t feel motivated/ lack energy Feel frustrated and impatient Don’t know what you want and can’t make decisions Postpone things

27 Don’t mess around Prioritize Break it up into smaller parts Find the balance Plan ahead Solutions…

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