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Welcome to Mrs. Guenther’s First Grade! 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Guenther’s First Grade! 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Guenther’s First Grade! 2015-2016

2  18 th year at St. Lawrence St. Lawrence  Undergrad at WMU, Masters at SVSU  Married, 2 children

3  Positive, safe, and structured learning environment  Important to meet each child at their academic level  Not every child learns the same way!

4  Friday Folders (Look for spelling words here)  Email (easiest and quickest way to reach me!)  Voice mail (731-0135) EXT. 300  F.R.O.G Binders  Website: Guenther/apt1.aspx

5 Monday Art 9:20-10:10 Tuesday Library 9:30-10:10 Music 10:10-11:00 Wednesday Mass 9:30 Thursday Gym 9:20-10:10 Friday Spanish 9:15-10:05 Computers 10:10-11:00

6  Morning Work  Calendar/Morning Meeting  Prayer/Religion  Specials  Math  Lunch 11:40-12:20  Daily 5 ( Language Arts)  Snack  Science/Social Studies

7 Science  Seeds  Matter  Life Cycles  Motion and Energy  Rocks/Erosion  Water Cycle  Seasons Social Studies  Our Country  Needs/Wants  Earth’s Resources  Jobs/Community

8 Spelling Tests Given each Friday morning Reading Level Assessed each quarter

9  Spelling Words  Math  Raz-Kids

10 P= Proficient D=Developing N=Needs Support

11 Behavior Bingo  Entire class  Earns Bingo Numbers  When a row is filled, class chooses reward Behavior Sticks  Each child has a pocket  When a rule is broken, they put corresponding stick in pocket  Three sticks=Note home to parents

12 Birthdays  No birthday treats should be sent in to the classroom. We will make your child a class card and they will receive a small goodie bag from me. Bathroom  Bathroom breaks a few times throughout day  Children can go as needed

13  Water bottles  HEALTHY snack like crackers, fruit, veggies, applesauce, yogurt, fruit snacks(No chips, cookies, candy, etc.)  No Peanuts  Pick-Up/Buses  Either call the office OR email me with any changes in pick ups. If I don’t answer your email, call the office with pick-up changes.  Wish List  Label all of your child’s belongings

14 Girls  No hoop earrings, posts only  Headbands, bows must be uniform colors only  Clear nail polish, no color  Saddle Shoes Boys  Must have belts (Magnetic are best)  Haircut must be above ears, 1 inch above eyebrow, not touching collar  Shirts tucked in  Black dress shoes either velcro or tie-No Tennis Shoes Please practice tying shoes! Gym shoes (for gym class) need to be velcro if your child can’t tie yet.

15 PLEASE BE SURE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME: 1—Two Pocket Folder 2—Wide Ruled Spiral Notebook School Bag (please purchase a small bag due to lack of locker space) Gym Shoes (to stay at school) THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE USED AS “COMMUNITY” SUPPLIES AND DO NOT NEED TO BE LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME: 2 — Boxes of Crayons (box of 24) No Twistables! 10 — Regular Pencils (Plain Yellow #2) 2 — Pairs of scissors – Fiskar Scissors are highly recommended 10 — Glue Sticks (extras would be appreciated) 4 — Pink Pearl Erasers (No pencil toppers) DUE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL: 3—Large Boxes of Kleenex 1—Roll of Paper Towel 1—Container of Baby Wipes 1—Hand Sanitizer

16 Thank you for sharing your child with me this year! I look forward to a wonderful year together!

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