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Study Skills: Putting you above the fold. Mr. Richard Eberheart Mr. Felipe R. Zañartu.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills: Putting you above the fold. Mr. Richard Eberheart Mr. Felipe R. Zañartu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills: Putting you above the fold. Mr. Richard Eberheart Mr. Felipe R. Zañartu

2 Group Norms & Expectations

3 Supply Scavenger Hunt








11 Organization: Whats that about?

12 Group Discussion

13 Classroom Roles Recorder Time Keeper Reporter Captain

14 Think and Talk about... What did you learn in Elementary School about organization? What have you learned from home about organization?

15 Organization Tips Use your agenda Making to do lists Using binder/notebook with dividers Having friends help you plan Staying onTRAC

16 Use your agenda

17 Making to do lists

18 Using binder/notebook with Dividers Before

19 Using binder/notebook with Dividers AFTER!

20 Having friends help you plan

21 Staying onTRAC

22 Think! What’s Important Right now! What are my Goals? Write it down give your brain a break Goals, Projects, Ideas

23 Record! Writing down your ideas, thoughts, and plans What you need to do and when? Record assignments, tests, projects, & to do’s.

24 Act! Schedule your time in and out of school & Plan your Priorities Daily Homework Time. Practices. Meetings. Hanging out with friends!

25 Check! Review what you have done! Did I finish this week’s Goals? Transfer unfinished goals to the next week

26 Group Discussion

27 Remember Your Group Roles! Recorder Time Keeper Reporter Captain

28 Think and Talk about... Talk about a recent homework assignment and how you completed it? When and where do you feel most comfortable studying/doing homework?

29 Know how you do Homework Best! Time, Location, Snack Group vs Individual Work Ask an adult for help! Taking short breaks Get it done early! (Don’t Procrastinate) Page 26 OCTOBER

30 Time, Location, Snack

31 Group vs Individual Work

32 Ask an adult for help!

33 Taking short breaks

34 Get it done early! (Don’t Procrastinate)

35 If you had a question, What would it be?

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