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National Volunteer Processes for USTA Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Nominations and National Committee Appointments ELECTIVE.

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Presentation on theme: "National Volunteer Processes for USTA Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Nominations and National Committee Appointments ELECTIVE."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Volunteer Processes for USTA Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Nominations and National Committee Appointments ELECTIVE

2 What We Will Cover Process for Nominations by Nominating Committee - USTA Board of Directors - Nominating Committee Process for National Volunteer Appointments by President-elect - Council Chairs - Committee Chair and Vice Chair - Committee Members

3 Introductions Charlotte Johnson, Chair, Nominating Committee Eddie Gonzalez, Promotions & Recruitment Sub-Committee Chair, Nominating Committee Judy Utley, Chair, Advisory Group on Committees & Evaluations Scott Steinberg, Coordinator, Advisory Group on Committees & Evaluations

4 Nominating Committee The 2015-16 Nominating Committee consists of 15 individuals Charlotte Johnson – Southwest, Chair Frank Adams – IntermountainRex Maynard – Southern Jill Craybas (Elite Athlete) – So CalifJewel Peterson (Elite Athlete) – Southern Kathleen Francis – EasternRoshan Rajkumar – Northern Eddie Gonzalez – SouthernNancy Rasgado – Florida Bob Kramer – Southern CaliforniaChris Reynolds – Mid-Atlantic Greg Lappin – NorthernJim Thomas (Elite Athlete) – Midwest Greg Mason – SouthwestAlfredo Trevino – Texas CHARGE: Selects Nominees to serve as USTA Officers & Board of Directors Selects Nominees for Nominating Committee Selects Chair of Nominating Committee

5 Bylaw Requirements Board of Directors: Composition: 5 Officers – President, 1 st Vice President, 2 Vice Presidents, Secretary-Treasurer; 9 Directors at Large; Immediate Past President = 15 20% must be Elite Athletes (USOC requirement) 50% of the Sectional Associations must be represented, excluding Elite Athletes No more than 2 at large members may be domiciled in the same section when they take office, excluding Elite Athletes

6 Bylaw Requirements Nominating Committee: Composition: 12 At Large + 3 Elite Athletes = 15 20% must be Elite Athletes (USOC requirement) 50% of the Sectional Associations must be represented Up to 5 current Nominating Committee members nominated to a 2 nd consecutive term (up to 4 At Large and up to 2 Elite Athletes) No more than 2 At Large members may be domiciled in the same section when they take office, excluding Elite Athletes No Nominating Committee member may be nominated for the USTA Board 2-term waiting period before Nominating Committee member can return to Nominating Committee

7 Characteristics of A Successful Candidate The Nominating Committee will be looking for individuals who can shape the future of the USTA. Historically, successful candidates selected to the Board or Nominating Committee have possessed some, if not most, of the following skills and experience: Skill sets align with USTA Competencies Significant background with their sectional organization in leadership positions Appointments to USTA committees or other national leadership roles Previous nonprofit board experience Extensive business, professional, academic, or tennis-related experience Demonstrated success as a person who has actively grown the game of tennis The ability to both lead and contribute as a member of a team The time commitment to participate fully in the demands of this position A “big picture” view of the needs of the organization and the future of tennis

8 Application Process For Board of Directors and Nominating Committee: Application and instructions available no later than November 16, 2015 Candidates may apply for USTA Board, Nominating Committee, or both Application deadline: February 1, 2016

9 Selection Process For Board and Nominating Committee: All applications will be reviewed and evaluated Candidates will then be selected for interviews All applicants will be notified by email regarding the status of their application by the end of April 2016 The majority of interviews for Nominating Committee candidates will be scheduled during the 2016 Annual Meeting The majority of interviews for USTA Board and Board/Nominating Committee will be scheduled during the 2016 Semiannual Meeting Per Bylaws, selections for nominations will be finalized following the conclusion of the 2016 US Open

10 Notification Process For Board and Nominating Committee: All candidates interviewed will receive notification by phone Bylaws require – Nominating Committee shall file its nominations to the USTA Secretary-Treasurer no later than September 20, 2016 – Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the voting members and elite athletes by September 25, 2016 New Board / Nominating Committee term begins on January 1, 2017

11 Advisory Group on Committees & Evaluations Committee The 2015-16 AGC Committee consists of: Judy Utley, ChairScott Steinberg, Coordinator Mary Conaway, Council ChairTim Garcia, Council Chair Barbara Fackel, Council ChairSteve Butzlaff, Council Chair Carolyn Riley, Council ChairVerne Weber, Council Chair Les Varnado, Council Chair Patricia Harris, Diversity & Inclusion Chair Mark Saunders, Executive Director Liaison CHARGE: AGC serves in an advisory role to the First Vice President during the committee appointment process (CAP) Council Chairs serve as advisors to Committee Chairs AGC is charged with implementing evaluations in the first and second years of term

12 Characteristics of AGC Members Historically successful candidates selected to serve as Council Chairs have possessed some if not most of the following skills and experience: Prior National Leadership Roles such as Committee Chair, Section Delegate at Large or President Management experience from work or volunteer experience Good communication skills Ability to size up people, identify future leaders and build effective teams Time commitment to participate fully in the demands of the position General awareness and understanding of USTA programs, USTA Board directives and policies, the Strategic Directions and the USTA Constitution and Bylaws

13 Who appoints members to national committees? The President appoints all committee chairs, and members whose appointments are not otherwise provided for in the Constitution or in the Bylaws. (Bylaw 29) October 15 is the deadline for petitions for alternate slate to be filed, the person nominated as President by the Nominating Committee may use the designation of “President-elect” after the date for filing a nomination petition, if no petition is filed. Appointments are made. (Bylaw 35i)

14 Appointment Process – Types of Committees Council Committees Board Committees Direct Report Committees Standing Committees: Grievance, Officials Task Forces and/or Special Assignments Other Non-Appointed Committees: Nominating, Past Presidents, Olympic Pan-American (USOC)

15 ADULT TENNIS COUNCIL DELIVERY SYSTEM COUNCIL PLAYER DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PROFESSIONAL TENNIS COUNCIL RULES COUNCIL Adult Competition League Tennis on Campus CTA NJTL Public Parks Collegiate Varsity Sport Science Wheelchair Tennis Officials Davis Cup, Fed Cup and Olympic Team Events Pro Circuit Constitution and Rules Grievance Tennis Rules and Regulations VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL YOUTH TENNIS COUNCIL SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS DIRECT REPORT COMMITTEES BOARD COMMITTEES Awards Learning and Leadership Development Membership Services Junior Competition Junior Team Tennis Local Play and Competition School/ After School Hispanic Engagement Advisory Group High School Task Force Senior Int’l Team Selection Group Sportsmanship Task Force Advisory Group on Committees and Evaluations Diversity & Inclusion International Audit Budget Investment Major Construction Oversight Strategic & Creative Planning

16 What are the General Requirements for Appointment to a National Committee? Must complete a National Volunteer Application Shall be an individual member of the USTA (Bylaw 40) Required to attend Annual and Semiannual meetings annually Must have proficient computer skills to participate actively with the committee throughout the year Must fulfill annual requirements such as Conflict of Interest Disclosure, evaluation surveys, yearbook contact information updates

17 What is on the National Committee Application? Name and contact information What committee(s) applying for – up to 3 What position sought – Council Chair, Committee Chair, Vice Chair, Member USTA involvement Tennis and volunteer activities Relevant employment/education Self-assessment of leadership competencies Functional/technical skills

18 What factors are considered? Experience and background Relevance to committee USTA Leadership Competencies Functional/Technical skills Diversity Section representation and endorsement Incoming Committee Chair input Personal interviews are not conducted for the CAP process

19 Committee Appointment Process Timeline August 2016: Online application process opens Aug 1 st ; Section leadership provided online training and access to applications for endorsement September 2016: Application process closes Sept 22 nd ; USTA Board of Directors slate for 2017-18 announced October 2016: USTA Board of Directors slate affirmed; Incoming President appoints Council Chairs and Committee Chairs November 2016: New Committee Chairs submit recommendations for member appointments; USTA Sections provide endorsements; Incoming USTA President-elect meets with AGC in White Plains to finalize committee appointments December 2016: USTA Family and all applicants informed of appointments January 2017: USTA Board, Section Leadership and Committee Chairs meet for Leadership Meeting

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