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Self and Social Development. Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that.

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Presentation on theme: "Self and Social Development. Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self and Social Development

2 Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that I can pass the next educational psych quiz  3.) I don’t like being a good Ed psych student, I feel like I am too smart 1. Self-concept 2. Self-efficacy 3. Self-esteem

3 Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that I can pass the next educational psych quiz  3.) I don’t like being a good Ed psych student, I feel like I am too smart 1. Self-concept (perception of ourselves compared to others) 2. Self-efficacy 3. Self-esteem

4 Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that I can pass the next educational psych quiz  3.) I don’t like being a good Ed psych student, I feel like I am too smart 1. Self-concept (perception of ourselves compared to others) 2. Self-efficacy (perception to do a future task-no comparison) 3. Self-esteem

5 Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that I can pass the next educational psych quiz  3.) I don’t like being a good Ed psych student, I feel like I am too smart 1. Self-concept (perception of ourselves compared to others) 2. Self-efficacy (perception to do a future task-no comparison) 3. Self-esteem (evaluation of ourselves)

6 Which statement is self-concept? self-esteem? or self-efficacy?  1. ) I am a good Ed psych student  2.) I believe that I can pass the next educational psych quiz  3.) I don’t like being a good Ed psych student, I feel like I am too smart 1. Self-concept (perception of ourselves compared to others) 2. Self-efficacy (perception to do a future task-no comparison) 3. Self-esteem (evaluation of ourselves)

7 Self Concept (comparisons) Self-Efficacy (no comparison) Self-Esteem (evaluation) I can do the ED PSY work, but I feel bad about it because now I appear too smart I believe that I can do the upcoming ED PSY work Doing ED PSY work makes me feel bad because I appear too smart

8 Self Concept (comparisons) Self-Efficacy (no comparison) Self-Esteem (evaluation) I can do the ED PSY work, but I feel bad about it because now I appear too smart I believe that I can do the upcoming ED PSY work Doing ED PSY work makes me feel bad because I appear too smart Which is the best predictor of academic success?

9 Self Concept (comparisons) Self-Efficacy (no comparison) Self-Esteem (evaluation) I can do the ED PSY work, but I feel bad about it because now I appear too smart I believe that I can do the upcoming ED PSY work Doing ED PSY work makes me feel bad because I appear too smart Self – Efficacy!

10 The Work of Erikson Psychosocial theory of development Eight stages At each stage, developmental crisis needs to be resolved (positive or unhealthy)

11 Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Approximate age Stage Description of Task InfancyTrust vs. mistrust Is someone going to feed me? (1st year) ToddlerAutonomy vs. shame I can go potty by myself (2nd year)and doubt PreschoolerInitiative vs. guilt I can do it (3-5 years) ElementaryCompetence vs. I can read and write (6 years-inferiority puberty)

12 Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Approximate age StageDescription of Task Adolescence Identity vs. roleWho am I? (teens into confusionIdentity achievement 20’s) Identity diffusion (no crisis vs. crisis) (Crisis ranges from ID moratorium  ID foreclosure) Young Adult Intimacy vs.Who do I love? (20’s to early isolation 40’s) Middle Adult Generativity vs. What have I done in life? (40’s to 60’s) stagnation Late Adult Integrity vs.What have I done for humanity? (late 60’s and despair up)

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