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WELCOME to 4 th Grade Teacher: Ms. R. Smith Classroom Expectations and Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to 4 th Grade Teacher: Ms. R. Smith Classroom Expectations and Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to 4 th Grade Teacher: Ms. R. Smith Classroom Expectations and Procedures

2 2 CLASSROOM RULES: Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Follow directions the first time they are given. Respect others, our school, and our school property. Be prepared for class daily. Keep your desk and work area neat at all times.

3 CONDUCT GRADES You will start each week with 100 points. At the end of the week, you will receive your weekly conduct grade in your conduct folder. 3

4 Classroom Consequences: ConsequencesPoints Deduction Warning from the teacher. No points deducted -100/A Names goes on the board/ points deducted Points deducted- 85/B 1 st check (Note sent home)/ additional points deducted. Additional points deducted- 75/C 2 nd check (Contact Parent)/ additional points deducted Additional points deducted- 65/D 3 rd check (Parent Conference)/ additional points deducted Additional points deducted- 55/F 4 th check (Conference w/ principal)OFFICE REFERRAL- 45/F 4

5 HALLWAY/ LINE PROCEDURES: You are to walk SILENTLY down the hallways. Each child should be in a single file line facing forward. 5

6 Dress Code All shirts must be neatly.

7 BOOK BAGS: Book bags are to be place behind seats at all times for your safety. 7

8 CUBBIES/ DESKS: Your desk and cubbies must be neat at all times. The only material that must be placed in your desk is notebooks and workbooks. Textbooks are not allowed in your desk. The only materials that should be in your cubby are your textbooks. 8

9 Safety Drills For a tornado drill, you will have to report to the fourth grade hallway with a sturdy book to place over your head. For a fire drill, you will proceed out the exit door passed the tennis court. During both drills, you should line up quietly in a quick orderly manner.

10 CONDUCT FOLDERS: Every Friday, the students will take home their conduct folders along with graded assignments throughout the week. AR grades for the week will also be placed inside this folder. All guardian/parents are to view, sign and return their child’s folder along with their graded papers inside by the next following Monday. 10

11 REWARDS: Praise Positive note/ call home Free snack Extra free time Treasure chest prizes Class celebration party 11

12 CLASSWORK: ALL WORK must be turned in on time when indicated. If the blue cone is placed out on the assignment desk, then you are required to turn in your work. However, your work is not to be turned in if the cone is not out. 12

13 SUBJECT FOLDERS: You are to keep your classwork worksheet/ handout information in folders color coded by each subject. One side of the folders will be labeled incomplete work and the other side labeled complete work. For organized purposes, these folders will be check frequently. 13

14 HOMEWORK: You will have homework almost every night. You will need a black and white composition notebook tablet to record homework instructions. Homework will be checked randomly. ALL ASSIGNMENTS FOR HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETED ON LOOSE LEAF PAPER! 14

15 NOTEBOOKS: You are to keep a spiral notebook for every subject. Notes will be taken frequently. Notebooks will be checked periodically to ensure you are keeping accurate notes that are beneficial to you. 15

16 HEADING ASSIGNMENTS: Name# Date Subject 1. 16 PLEASE NOTE, if assignments are not headed properly on notebook paper, then points will be deductive from that particular assignment.

17 MAKE- UP ASSIGNMENTS- You are responsible for all make up work if you are absent. Please make sure you check with your teacher for any make up assignments. 17

18 QUALITY WORK Partially done or sloppily done work (class work or homework) WILL NOT be accepted. Make sure that you understand that you must do it right or do it over. 18

19 CLASSWORK/ CLASSROOM EVALUATION I will evaluate you on how well you are keeping your cubbies and desks neat. I also will check to make sure you are keeping your folders and notebooks organized. 19

20 ACCELERATED READING TEST You will take an AR test once a week based on your reading level. Therefore, it is very important that you make sure you are reading each day and night. You will be assigned a certain day of the week to take your test. Please make sure you take your test on your scheduled day. However, if you are absent on the day you are scheduled to take your test, you are required to take our AR on the next following day when you return to school. There will be incentives given to those who score is on an accelerated level!! 20

21 MATHEMATICS It is required that all fourth graders know basic addition and subtraction facts before coming to fourth grade. Fourth graders are also required to know from memory the multiplication facts from 0-12. It is vital that you practice and memorize these facts as soon as possible. 21

22 4 th Grade Class Motto: Our Promise Class Promise I am a kid with character. I am unique and special. I am responsible for my actions. I can learn. I will give nothing but my best. I am, I can, I will, because I am a kid with character. And, I am one COOL KID!!! 22

23 Get to Know Me I grew up in Ozark, Alabama. I now live in Montgomery, AL. I attended Mixon Elementary, Carroll High School, and Alabama State University. I have one busy, but yet joyful little girl, Paislee Grace. I’ve been teaching for 7 years. I taught 3 rd, 4 th and 5 th grade Here’s a funny classroom story… I do not like loose hair nor do I like the smell of mint.

24 A person that means the world to me My daughter, Paislee Grace

25 ALWAYS REMEMBER I am the captain of the classroom. I am the PRESIDENT of your fan club. I am your coach, your school mom, And your drill sergeant. I believe and expect that you Will do amazing things. I am here to make sure you have what it takes to one day make all your dreams come true. I am your teacher and I love you!

26 Tell me about yourself Now, that I have told you a little about myself and you know what to expect out of 4 th grade. I would like for you to tell me about yourself using the hand out that you completed earlier and what do you expect out of 4 th grade.

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