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**Welcome to Second Grade** Mrs. Davis–Teacher Ms. Moore- Teacher Assistant Together We Can Make A Difference!!

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Presentation on theme: "**Welcome to Second Grade** Mrs. Davis–Teacher Ms. Moore- Teacher Assistant Together We Can Make A Difference!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 **Welcome to Second Grade** Mrs. Davis–Teacher ( Ms. Moore- Teacher Assistant Together We Can Make A Difference!!

2 My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills he/ she needs to progress to third grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child make new friends and discover new interests.

3 Questions Please record your questions on the note cards provided. Please feel free to ask questions individually after the presentation.

4 Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us create a safe and comfortable learning enviornment. All rules have purpose, which we have discussed.

5 Communication Communication is an essential component in your child’s education. Methods of communication: –Classroom Blog (updated periodically by the teacher and students). –Daily Planner (sent home daily). –Communication folder (sent home on Monday).

6 Second Grade Shenanigans We are ONLINE! Used as a tool to keep parents updated with what is going on in our classroom. Be on the lookout for a guest post from your fabulous 2 nd grader!

7 Behavior Management System Expectations 1.Be a responsible citizen. 2.Respect other people and their property. 3.Be kind and considerate. 4.Do what you are asked to do right away.

8 Rewards/ Consequences Positive Rewards Friday Treasure Box Lotto Board Recess Reward Positive Note Home Terrific Kid Character Steps Consequences: 1.1 Fin- Warning 2.2 Fins- Silent Lunch/Structured Recess 3.3 Fins-Parent Contact 4.4 Fins- Office Referral

9 Table Tallies Tables can earn tallies for: 1.Good citizenship. 2.Great behavior in class. 3.Working together as a team 4.Staying on task and completing assignments. **Friday – Table with the most tallies gets to go to the “Mini Treasure Chest”

10 Terrific Kids Terrific Kid - All students who have not lost fins for the previous week will have their names put in a hat for a drawing. Every student will have the opportunity to be “Terrific Kid”. We will have 9 “Terrific Kids” each nine weeks. “Terrific Kids” are honored at the 9 weeks assembly, and receive a pin to go on their lanyard. Each week, the Terrific Kid will do a guest post on our classroom blog.

11 Reading Read nightly 15/20 minutes. May be assigned in Science or Social Studies. Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) needs to be at least Level L by the end of the year. –This correlates to a DRA level of 24. However, we will no longer be using DRA assessments.

12 Accelerated Reader Every student will participate in AR STAR testing is done at the beginning of each nine weeks to determine “Reading Range.” Reading Range and Points Goal are individualized to match each student’s needs. Reading Range may be adjusted throughout the nine weeks based on student’s performance Students who make their AR Goal will be honored at Awards Assembly and receive a pin for their lanyard. They will also attend the class AR Party! Weekly AR Reports will go home in Daily Planner. Help prepare your child for AR by asking them questions about the book Volunteers Needed – To read AR books with students & walk them down the library for new AR books.

13 Goals Point Goal (10 points= 20 books) 80% average or higher for percent correct (measures students comprehension of text). Book Level Goal (If their book level goal is 2.5, they may not read below a 2.5.)

14 Classroom Library Students may check out one book at a time. Books are organized by AR level. Please encourage your student to treat these books with care. We want them to last for many years to come. Replacement cost is determined by the current market value of the book according to Scholastic Website. We are always taking donations to our classroom library!

15 AR is ONLINE You can now look up personal books @ home to find out there AR level. Please see the note provided to look up the AR level of your favorite book.

16 Writing Products Required: Personal Experience Narrative (Beginning, Middle & End - Paragraphs) Research Report (Paragraphs) Digital Copy Learning Log (Science/Social Studies/Math) I will conference with students each day. Other Products taught in 2 nd grade: –Imaginative Narrative (BME, Paragraphs) –Reading Response –Poetry (Concrete or Free Verse) –Friendly Letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature) * Things to work on at home: Punctuation, Capitalization, & Indenting

17 Math Problem solving-not just computation anymore. Review addition/subtraction facts- should be memorized (fluently) Need a Volunteer-Math Super Stars (Nov.?) Pre and Post testing for each topic –Used to determine math groups to help ensure that each student is working on his or her instructional level.

18 Science Pre and Post tests Experiments Note booking: Question, Prediction, Procedure, Materials, Data, Data Analysis, LOL, Extensions. Units of study: -Sound -Air and Weather -Changes in properties -Animal Lifecycles

19 Social Studies Pre and Post testing Units of study: -Communities -Geography -People and Heroes -Past and Present -Economic Concepts

20 Buddy Study Word Study/ Buddy Study- differentiated method of learning how to spell words 20 minutes of Buddy Study each day Students choose 5 words from the phonics lesson and 5 words from the 2 nd grade word list. Buddy Study tests are given each Friday morning. Spelling homework is assigned at the teachers discretion on an individual basis.

21 Homework Essential- All students MUST complete homework each night. Planners go home every night, (behavior- signed; book recorded & signed) **Please check your child’s planner each night. Teaches responsibility and organization.

22 Mrs. Davis & Ms. Moore Students Parents Thank You For Coming… We are a T.E.A.M! Together Everyone Achieves More

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