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EQAL, E-Learning and Effective Embedding Dr Neil Ringan Centre for Learning & Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "EQAL, E-Learning and Effective Embedding Dr Neil Ringan Centre for Learning & Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 EQAL, E-Learning and Effective Embedding Dr Neil Ringan Centre for Learning & Teaching

2 Workshop Aims & Outcomes Aim Identify ways that learning outcomes and assessment strategies for new units developed as part of EQAL can be supported effectively using learning technologies Learning Outcomes Describe the impact of EQAL and the Learning Technologies Review on unit design Review unit learning outcomes and identify how these can be supported using learning technologies Evaluate ways in which face-to-face and online learning activities can be effectively interlinked

3 EQAL and Unit Design 4 x 30 credit units per programme level Maximum 5 learning outcomes (LOs) per unit Maximum 2 assessment elements per 30 credit unit –Maximum 3 elements per 60 credit unit LOs have to address MMU Employability Framework Rolling implementation from September 2011 Review of all Level 3 & 4 units Sept – Dec 2010 Major activity in rewriting units, learning outcomes and assessment strategies

4 Learning Technologies Review Phase 1 reported February 2010 WebCT replaced by Moodle by September 2011 Rolling migration of programmes from January 2011 Moodle to be used to implement EQAL objectives –Primarily Strand 2 objectives : links to personal timetables, assessment schedules, etc Initial timescale broadly similar to EQAL

5 So …. Have to rewrite all units Have to move to a new VLE Due to EQAL structure - no direct mapping from WebCT areas to Moodle areas for Level 3 or 4 How can we integrate these two activities to obtain the maximum enhancement of student learning ?

6 Some Fundamentals Although challenging and scary – there is an opportunity here for real change to enhance student learning Student expectations of using technology for learning Need to design learning outcomes, assessment strategies and learning technologies as a single coherent activity

7 Background What is a learning outcome ? –The essential measurable learning or behaviour demonstrated by a student after a specific period of study What is assessment ? –The process by which you can measure the extent to which a student can demonstrate specific learning outcomes

8 How can learning technologies be used to support student attainment of learning outcomes and the associated assessment process ? How can technology provide real enhancement ? Let’s look at some examples … LOs and LTs

9 Choose one learning outcome and in small groups discuss ways you could use a form of learning technology to support the attainment or assessment of that learning outcome

10 Podcasts of crime scene investigation principles Photos / videos of real or simulated crime scenes Audio / video notes from a crime scene walk through Show a clip from a soap opera, CSI, etc to analyse Discussion forum or wiki to collate ideas Questions to test understanding of the required content of a log (online or using classroom response systems) Example evidence and analysis logs for students to annotate using the online resources provided Critically analyse a crime scene and produce an evidence and analysis log for the investigation. But Why ?

11 My Underpinning Pedagogy Could get all the theory from reading a book Learning outcomes promote active and deep learning –“Critically analyse a crime scene and produce an evidence and analysis log for the investigation.” Want to produce effective forensic scientists –Use technology to put student in role as crime scene investigators Unit assessed in a very specific way –"Write a scene investigation protocol for a simulated crime scene detailing the rationale for your selections” –“Produce an evidence and analysis log for a simulated crime scene including potential judicial evidence” Use technology to provide formative evidence to underpin summative assessment strategy Centre for Learning and Teaching

12 View crime scene images Group wiki activity to identify evidence items to collect and analyse Print wiki to take to tutorial Centre for Learning and Teaching View podcasts describing crime scene investigation principles Read textbook section and online resources Electronic submission of key steps in investigating a crime scene Formative feedback to class on overall content of submissions Pre-Session Activities Address issues or gaps in understanding evident from activity Lecture on crime scene investigation principles and processes Check student understanding using classroom response system Overview of activity for subsequent tutorial Face to Face Activities Post-Session Activities Critically analyse a crime scene and produce an evidence and analysis log for the investigation.

13 View crime scene images Group wiki activity to identify evidence items to collect and analyse Print wiki to take to tutorial Prepare 3 different samples (e.g. glass, metal, paper) to fingerprint in practical class View podcasts of preparation and analysis methods in advance Centre for Learning and Teaching Pre-Session Activities Each group presents wiki activity results and discusses Identify themes and omissions, link back/forward to lecture content Describe how different evidence and analyses will be covered Face to Face Activity Post-Session Activities Critically analyse a crime scene and produce an evidence and analysis log for the investigation.

14 Bringing it Together Centre for Learning and Teaching

15 Image from Cassella, Summers & Cassella, Science Learning & Teaching Conference 2007

16 My Underpinning Pedagogy Blended learning to support attainment of LOs Fundamental designing together of online and face- to-face activities –Online activities cannot be optional “nice if you did” Both approaches have strengths and weaknesses Use the most appropriate approach for the intended learning outcomes Online and face-to-face tasks and activities have to work together seamlessly

17 Embedded Model Online Activity F2F Session Online follow-up activity Online Activity F2F Session Online follow-up activity Session 1 Session 2 Feedback

18 Summary EQAL and LT Review processes are challenging –Potential for real enhancement activity within them Focus on learning outcomes & assessment strategy –How can learning technologies support these ? Constructive Alignment –between LOs, teaching methods, assessment strategy

19 Mode and Method of Assessment 2 Methods and Delivery of Teaching and Learning 3 Constructive alignment Assessment Criteria Marking Process Feedback Strategy Aims and Intended Learning Outcomes 1 Exam, Essay, Report, Portfolio, Poster, Reflection, Presentation, MCQs, etc F2FOnlineBlended Underlying Pedagogy e.g. PBL, Collaborative learning, Reflective practice, etc Lecture, Seminar, Practical, Fieldwork, Lab work EQAL DiagnosticFormativeSummative MMU Assessment Framework Graduate Learning Outcomes Requirements of Prof Bodies Employers requirements Subject Benchmarks EQAL Blooms Taxonomy

20 Summary EQAL and LT Review processes are challenging –Potential for real enhancement activity within them Focus on learning outcomes & assessment strategy –How can learning technologies support these ? Constructive Alignment –between LOs, teaching methods, assessment strategy Blended approach of face-to-face and online –Embedding both to maximise strengths and minimise weaknesses

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