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Assessment Tools.

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1 Assessment Tools

2 وإذا حكمتم بين الناس فاحكموا بالعدل
وإذا حكمتم بين الناس فاحكموا بالعدل

3 Roadmap Overview of principles of assessment in medical education.
Assessment Methods/Tools Assessment in Your College

4 Contents Overview Objectives What makes for good assessment?
Assessment methods/Tools Conclusions

5 Needs / Objectives/Outcomes & Contents
Educational Triangle Needs / Objectives/Outcomes & Contents Curriculum Strategies Assessment

6 Overview The curriculum instructs teacher what to teach;
The exam instruct students what to learn

7 “Learn what teachers inspect”
Overview Assessment derives learning Students don’t learn what we expect but “Learn what teachers inspect”

8 Formative v/s Summative
Assessment Formative v/s Summative

9 Formative vs Summative
It is continues assessment At the end of a course/ program Feedback is an essential part Usually NO feedback session Usually NO grads Marks OR grades are essential There is no pass-fail decision There should be a pass-fail decision

10 Assessment V/S Evaluation

11 Evaluation: is more focused on making a judgment or determination concerning the quality of a performance, work product or use of skills against a set of standards. Assessment is more focused on  measuring a performance, work product, or skill in order to offer feedback to document strengths and growth and to provide directives for improving future performance. Assessments are nonjudgmental and are designed and intended to be helpful to produce improvement.

12 Assessment Skills & Behaviour Cognition/ Knowledge Does Shows how
Knows how Knows Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine (Supplement) 1990; 65: S63-S7.

13 Assessment Does Shows how Knows how Knows Action Performance
Competence Knows Knowledge Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine (Supplement) 1990; 65: S63-S7.

14 One method can’t do it all
One measure is no measure We need a mixture of methods to cover the entire pyramid We can choose different assessment tools

15 Criteria for different assessment methods
Validity: Reliability Educational impact Cost effectiveness Acceptability/ Practicability

16 Criteria / Requirements
Validity: Does it measure what it is supposed to measure? Reliability: Does it produce consistent results? Practicability: Is it practical in term of times & resources.

17 Educational Impact Assessment may have facilitative or adversive effect on learning Emphasizes the important learning outcomes Provide feedback about the success of study methods

18 What Should Be Tested? Important topics are weighted heavily
The sample of items reflect the instructional goals and the process.

19 Assessment Theory v/s Practice

20 Written Exam

21 Written Written tests can assess knowledge acquisition and reasoning ability, They cannot so easily measure skills

22 …all students from (all classes) are submitted to the same test……
Progress test …all students from (all classes) are submitted to the same test……

23 Modified Essay Questions Computer assessment
End of course assessment Multiple Choice Open ended questions Combination MCQ/OEQ Modified Essay Questions Computer assessment Assignments Construct a patient information folder Design a Poster Integration essay Prepare a forum discussion Write a research proposal

24 Short cases Long cases OSCE Simulated Clinics Video consultation
Clinical Short cases Long cases OSCE Simulated Clinics Video consultation

25 Clinical(cont’) 7. Lab Data Interpretation 8. Portfolios
6. Slides Interpretation 7. Lab Data Interpretation 8. Portfolios SOE (simulated oral exam) Oral

26 Computerized Case-based Testing
Computer is used to increase effectiveness in: Cost Test administration Scoring Authenticity (e.g. by multimedia) Written, practical, clinical,…….


28 “Long case" and “Short case"
The basic requirements for reliability and validity have not always been achieved in traditional long & short cases

29 Observing candidates' interaction with patients

30 OSCE Objective structured clinical examination


32 Observing Candidates' Interaction with Patients




36 Oral

37 Oral

38 Work Place-Based Assessment
The oral examination is traditionally an unstructured face to face session with the examiners Direct observation: Clinical work sampling measures: Mini-CEX, Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise DOPS, Directly Observed Procedural Skills Directly Observed P-MEX,  The Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise Global performance measures Multi-Source Feedback (MSF or 360) Aggregation and reflection measures Logbook Portfolio

39 Assessment of professional behavior
observable behaviour outside professional behaviour = values norms inside attitude

40 Peer Assessment & Self Assessment
PEER EVALUATION The oral examination is traditionally an unstructured face to face session with the examiners Peer Assessment & Self Assessment

41 Assessment of professional behavior
Regular feedback of performance For all the students Helping students to grow as a professional Starting from the beginning of the studies

42 Assessment of professional behavior
Professional behaviour consists of three aspects Dealing with work Dealing with others Dealing with oneself

43 Student reflects on the evidence about aspects
Portfolio Criteria to meet the different aspects of competence are described by faculty results of assessment (longtudinal or tailored) reports, video projects peer assessment staff assessment articles, presenting papers Student reflects on the different aspects of competence (written statements) Student gathers evidence about aspects of his competence

44 Student reflects on the reflection on it with the
Portfolio assessment Mentor = coach Student proves his competence On several aspects described by faculty Role as expert results of assessment reports projects peer assessment staff assessment Student reflects on the different aspects (written statements) of competence Student discusses his competence and reflection on it with the mentor

45 assessment tools used in
What are the assessment tools used in your college??

46 Assignment 100% 1. Contineous Assessment 40%
2. End of the Course Assessment TOTAL a. MCQ % b. Written Short Answer Questions % 100%

47 Conclusion

48 Comprehensive Assessment Different methods to be applied
Conclusion The oral examination is traditionally an unstructured face to face session with the examiners Comprehensive Assessment Different methods to be applied Standardized / structured Not to depend only on few methods

49 Does Shows how Knows how Knows how Knows Knows
MCQ, SAQ, Short essy, MEQs…. Knows how Knows how Knows Knows Simple recall questions

50 Does Shows how Shows how Knows how Knows how Knows
Simulations requiring behavioural performance OSCE, OSPE, Simulated Clinics, Shows how Shows how Knows how Knows how Knows

51 Assessing performance Work-based assessment: Clinical work-sampling, Mini-CEX, Portfolio, practice visits, case orals…. Does Does Shows how Shows how Knows how Knows

52 Does Shows how Knows how Knows
Self-, peer, co-assessment, portfolio, multisource feedback, learning process evaluations…… Does Shows how Knows how Knows


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