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Influenza Infectious Disease Ontology (Influenza-IDO) Status August 2010.

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1 Influenza Infectious Disease Ontology (Influenza-IDO) Status August 2010

2 Influenza-IDO Authors Ryan Brinkman, BCCRC Melanie Courtot, BCCRC Joanne Luciano, Tetherless World Constellation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Lynn Schriml, Univ. of Maryland Richard Scheuermann, Influenza Research Database (IRD) / UT Southwestern Burke Squires, IRD / UT Southwestern

3 Domain Requirements Host and Pathogen: – Anatomy (Host and pathogen) – Taxonomy (Host and pathogen) Biological Material (Sample) Infectious Disease (Categorization) Laboratory Experiment (Scientific procedure) Surveillance (disease transmission and sample collection)

4 Influenza-IDO & IDO Influenza ontology is an extension of IDO Additionally, Influenza-IDO covers domains outside of IDO (e. g. surveillance)

5 Example Influenza-IDO Terms Surveillance (Avian) – Wild – Domestic – Migratory / non-migratory Virus Experimental Infection Event – Route of delivery *** do you mean transmission vector? *** – Amount delivered (Volume) – Amount delivered (Titer) – Passage time period Sequence Changes (Analysis) – Virus sequence residue type – Virus sequence residue number – Virus specimen source residue – Post passage residue

6 Example Influenza-IDO Terms Surveillance (Avian) – Wild host A wild host that is a host that is member of a species that remains in their natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated. – Domestic host A domestic host that is a host that is member of a species that has been tamed by man. – Migratory host A migratory host is a host that is part of a population that exhibits regular seasonal movement, outward journey followed, some time later, by a return journey. – Non-migratory host A non-migratory host is a host that is part of a population that does not exhibit regular seasonal movement.

7 Ontology Enabled Research Controlled vocabulary enables: – Accurate search & analysis – Precise search & analysis – Compare similar data Ontological relationships enable: – Quick searches (horizontal) – Quick searches (vertical) (summarization) – Compare dissimilar data

8 Ontology Enabled Research: Accurate Search & Analysis Without ontologies: – Searching for host “duck” – Host marked as avian, duck – Duck may or may not be in host field or strain name. With ontologies: – Search for “duck” will include all duck species – Search for “mallards” with include only relevant data – Compare duck species with ease Duck host: Duck: 6681 Mallard: 5236 Mallard Czech Republic: 1 Mallard.Maryland: 8 Dk: 95

9 Ontology Enabled Research: Precise Search & Analysis Without ontologies: – Searching for host “duck” – Host searches include non- relevant data and exclude some relevant data With ontologies: – Search for “duck” will: include all duck species NOT include non-duck species – Cleaner data means cleaner statistics False positives: Ruddy shelduck Australian shelduck False negatives: Mallard: 5236 Mallard Czech Republic: 1 Mallard.Maryland: 8 Dk: 95

10 Ontology Enabled Research: Compare Similar Data Without ontologies: – Only possible for same investigator / laboratory / assay With ontologies: – Comparisons enabled for: Investigators Laboratories Assays – Compare historical results to current InvestigatorLaboratoryAssay / Protocol Same InvestigatorLaboratoryAssay / Protocol Same Different Same DifferentSameDifferent Same Different

11 Ontology Enabled Research: Quick Searches Across Species How to analyze duck Without ontologies: – Search for each species independently: Shovller Mallard Wood duck Etc. With ontologies: – Search by order, family, genus and get all species below. Anatidea (waterfowl) Anas (duck) Anas clypeata (Northern shoveler) Anas platyrhynchos (mallard ducks) Aix Aix sponsa (wood duck)

12 Ontology Enabled Research: Quick Hierarchical Searches Without ontologies: – Only granularity is avian With ontologies: – Analysis at any level of taxonomy – Analysis at any level of location Anatidea (waterfowl) Anas (duck) Anas clypeata (Northern shoveler) Anas platyrhynchos (mallard ducks) Aix Aix sponsa (wood duck)

13 Ontology Enabled Research: Compare Dissimilar Data Analysis involving chicken data versus all non- chicken avian data Species Comparison – Search for chicken data – Search for avian data that is NOT chicken – Compare data sets – SFVT example (?) Compare different assays – Antiviral resistance comparison of lung weight versus mortality

14 Timeline to Version 1 Version 1 includes: – CV terms from IRD / CEIRS use cases: Minimum information for avian surveillance (IRD) Minimum information for a passage experiment (IRD) Current Work – Complete remaining definitions for CV terms – Submit new terms to reference ontology – Update / complete OWL ontology file November 2010 – Submit draft to OBO Foundry – ~100 Terms in Version 1

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