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Web Evaluation Library 10 –Information Competency.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Evaluation Library 10 –Information Competency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Evaluation Library 10 –Information Competency

2 Warning You should have already completed: Internet Detective Tutorial UC Berkeley Evaluating Web Pages

3 Educational domains

4 The parent page

5 Educational domains (continued)

6 Wikipedia: The free encyclopedia

7 Wikipedia example 1

8 Wikipedia disclaimer


10 A real life example “To identify the external link, our Webmaster searched Google and chose one of the top results, a Website that, at a quick glance, appears to be a tribute to Dr. King with speeches, photos and a special emphasis on the holiday.” -Hans Reimer, Rock the Vote Blog, Jan. 2007

11 British Stick Insect

12 Google “link” feature

13 Who is the registered owner? whois

14 “Resources” are not a bibliography

15 Beware of “content farms” A content farm, also called a content mill, is a Website whose content is chosen specifically for its ability to rank highly in search engine results. The primary purpose of content farms is to generate advertising revenue by attracting “page views.”

16 Buzzle

17 About Buzzle

18 List of content farms

19 Web 2.0 and misinformation Confirm the authority of any information you intend to use.

20 & “Rumor has it.” “The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.” “Get the truth about rumors, inspirational stories, virus warnings, hoaxes, scams, humorous tales, pleas for help, urban legends, prayer requests, calls to action, and other forwarded mail.”

21 “The people peddling misinformation can be exposed more easily, if you know where to look.…But if people aren’t looking to get at the truth, they can be easily misled.” -Eugene Kiely, Director of As quoted in: Hill, Angela. “A Know-it-all World.” San Jose Mercury News 11 Nov. 2013: A16-17. Print.

22 The end The End

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