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The International Federation for Information Processing Lifelong Learning

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Presentation on theme: "The International Federation for Information Processing Lifelong Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 the International Federation for Information Processing Lifelong Learning

2 ifip The e-Change Puzzle Dealing with the e-Change Puzzle: Professional working method Personal level: What competencies? Organisation level: Key success factors Project level: Lifelong Learning Environment

3 ifip The e-Change Puzzle Dealing with the e-Change Puzzle: Professional working method Personal level: What competencies? Organisation level: Key success factors Project level: Lifelong Learning Environment

4 ICT development Changes in all aspects of life Changes in all aspects of work Learning 1980 2025 Life long e-Change Affecting professionals and citizens

5 Connectivity and technology infrastructure Business environment Social and cultural environment Legal environment Government policy and vision Consumer and business adoption e-Change Complex, transversal, contextual

6 Transversal themes C1 Promotion of ICT’s for development C2 ICT infrastructure C3 Access to information and knowledge (UNESCO) C4 Capacity building C5 Building confidence and security in the use of ICT C6 Enabling environment e-Change Complex, transversal, contextual

7 Transversal themes C7 Benefits in all aspects of life E-government E-business E-learning (UNESCO) E-employment E-environment E-agriculture E-science (UNESCO) e-Change Complex, transversal, contextual

8 Transversal themes C8 Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content (UNESCO) C9 Media (UNESCO) C10 Ethical dimensions of the information society (UNESCO) C11 Regional cooperation e-Change Complex, transversal, contextual

9 Issues 1. Technology evolution 2. Social aspects/impacts 3. Digital Divide – Inequity 4. Sustainable development 5. Access for all 6. Trust and Confidence 7. Privacy and Data protection 8. Misuse - Ethics - Deontology e-Change Complex, transversal, contextual

10 The e-Change puzzle Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva Issues: 1. Technology evolution 2. Social aspects/impacts 3. Digital Divide – Inequity 4. Sustainable development 5. Access for all 6. Trust and Confidence 7. Privacy and Data protection 8. Misuse - Ethics - Deontology

11 Domains affected by e-Change Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy

12 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence Domains affected by e-Change

13 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media Domains affected by e-Change

14 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media D.e-Government Domains affected by e-Change

15 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media D.e-Government E.Education Domains affected by e-Change

16 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media D.e-Government E.Education F.Culture Domains affected by e-Change

17 Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva A.Economy B.Security and confidence C.Democratic opinion and media D.e-Government E.Education F.Culture G.Health Domains affected by e-Change

18 The full e-Change puzzle Source: Raymond Morel. Ministry of Education, Geneva

19 ifip The e-Change Puzzle Dealing with the e-Change Puzzle: Professional working method Personal level: What competencies? Organisation level: Key success factors Project level: Lifelong Learning Environment

20 Dealing with e-CHANGE Technological change and innovation drive the knowledge-based economy Some changes in innovation processes could not have occurred without ICTs Some impacts of ICT might not have been felt in the absence of changes in the innovation system OECD 2000

21 Knowledge-based economy A knowledge-based economy relies primarily on the use of ideas rather than physical abilities: Application of knowledge Creation of knowledge Sharing of knowledge And on the application of technology rather than the transformation of raw materials or the exploitation of cheap labour World Bank 2002

22 Knowledge-based economy

23 Application of knowledge To make better Solutions To innovate Creation of knowledge Sharing of knowledge ICT integrated, learning organisation Knowledge-based economy


25 Knowledge based economy: dealing with the e-Change puzzle How to hit a moving target?

26 By moving with it! Do Check Reflect Plan Do Check Reflect Plan Evolutionary approach Knowledge based economy: dealing with the e-Change puzzle

27 Dealing with the e-Change puzzle The Deming-cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act  Reflect Evolutionary approach

28 Dealing with the e-Change puzzle Applying knowledge: Information (on issues and domains) Organisation (how to organise a solution to the puzzle) Interaction (how to interact with the solution environment) Intellect (conceptual models)

29 Dealing with the e-Change puzzle Applying knowledge:

30 Dealing with the e-Change puzzle Applying knowledge

31 Dealing with the e-Change puzzle In several professional roles

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