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Geothermal Leasing on Federal Lands (I’ve looked at life from both sides now) Paul Morgan Colorado Geological Survey for the Denver Meeting of the Colorado.

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1 Geothermal Leasing on Federal Lands (I’ve looked at life from both sides now) Paul Morgan Colorado Geological Survey for the Denver Meeting of the Colorado Geothermal Working Group 28 June, 2012

2 Experience with Two Recent Geothermal Lease Sales in Colorado  Stipulations attached to Mt. Princeton and Tomichi Dome very similar: Mt Princeton + urban setback stip.; Tomichi Dome + grouse & prairie dog stip. Colorado stipulations SIGNIFICANLY less than for Nevada geothermal lease sales.  Process: Tomichi Dome – generally very public. Little input from geothermal community because community is out of area. Flora and fauna – lack of scientific evidence of impact of NOT closing lands (Cookie monster perhaps should share! – just a suggestion).

3 Experience with Progress on One Geothermal Environmental Assessment in Colorado  Some BLM districts have Geothermal EAs. Having a Geothermal EA in place significantly shortens time from Land Nomination to Lease Sale.  EA specifies areas in the district open and closed for leasing, with stipulations (may be modified at time of Lease Sale).  Process: San Luis Valley– generally very public. Little input from geothermal community because community is out of area but SLVO BLM have made effort to solicit input from geothermal community.  Strong need to educate public (and BLM/USFS) on reality of low impact geothermal development in Colorado. Recognize that existing uses should not monopolize a resource. (more Cookie Monsters?).

4 Both Sides  Cookie Monster is a fictional character – let him stay that way.  BLM manages public resources. Geothermal resources in Colorado associated with most tributary resources are public resources. They belong to the “People of Colorado” by state statute. Public resources should be made available for use.  BLM (/USFS) manage public lands on behalf of many competing constituencies under constraints of many laws, rules and regulations. Not an easy task. They appreciate input from all.  Senior groundwater rights (including geothermal rights) in Colorado are protected by state statutes.  These are important observations to consider in any closures or stipulations from either side.

5 THANK YOU  Acknowledgements:  The public, concerned citizens and business owners who have expressed their concerns to me;  Members of the geothermal community who have shared their knowledge and expressed their concerns to me;  The staff of BLM and the USFS who have patiently explained the processes and procedures though which they operate.  For Further Information   Energy Resources  Geothermal  Paul Morgan tel: 303 866 2611 extn 8333  e-mail:

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