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Magic mirror if I only could try to see myself as others would

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1 Magic mirror if I only could try to see myself as others would
Leon Russell: Magic Mirror

2 C.H. Cooley: looking glass self
other we see ourselves as others see us

3 3 elements of looking glass self (118):
Imagination of our appearance to the other Imagination of his judgment A self-feeling, such as pride or shame

4 Socialization Nature and nurture Cultural learning
Socialization and Self

5 Nature and nurture

6 The old debate: nature vs. nature
Which is primary in determining human behavior?

7 The newer debate: Are some human behaviors genetically determined?
Sociobiology: some behaviors (e.g. male dominance) have a genetic basis No evidence of genetic causality No instinct in humans; only reflexes

8 For human beings, culture is our nature.
Peter Berger For human beings, culture is our nature.

9 Cultural learning Socialization defined Theories of child development
Agencies of socialization Life course

10 Socialization Lifelong process of social interaction through which people internalize knowledge, attitudes, values, and norms necessary for effective participation in social life The process of transferring culture from one generation to the next “Unsocialized” children cases show socialization needed for “human” behavior

11 Theories of child development

12 G. H. Mead: Self, Mind, Society
“…the social conditions under which the self arises as an object.” (42) Self: the “I” and the “me” Fully developed self goes through stages: Imitation: of significant other Play: taking the role of one other Game: generalized other, rules of the game Mind: internal conversation with the generalized other Society: the norms and values of society are internalized as the generalized other

13 Gender socialization Gender roles: appropriate behavior for one’s sex
Adults’ expectations affect how they respond to children based on their gender Toys, stories, media images all powerful influences (Weitzman, et. al. 1972)

14 Agencies of socialization
Groups or contexts in which significant socialization takes place

15 Agencies of socialization
Family Schools Peer groups Mass media Work

16 Social identity Characteristics that others attribute to an individual
Many dimensions, multiple identities Self-identity: How we develop a unique sense of self This is an active process of self-creation in modern society

17 Berger and Luckman: Primary and secondary socialization
Primary socialization “The individual…is not born a member of society.” (102) Definitions of situation are imposed by significant others based on their position and idiosyncracies These are internalized, form the basis of social identity This is a dialectic (identification by others/self-identification; external society becomes internal generalized other p ) Secondary socialization “internalization of institutional…’subworlds’” (107) Formal, specialized Education as best example

18 The life course Childhood Teenage years Young adulthood
Mature adulthood Old age

19 What about freedom & individuality?
“Society shapes us, yet society also gives us the ability to be free.” Joel Charon

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