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VT School Improvement Coaches Meeting: Instructional Shifts in the Common Core and Standard 5: Building Capacity February 16, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Please.

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Presentation on theme: "VT School Improvement Coaches Meeting: Instructional Shifts in the Common Core and Standard 5: Building Capacity February 16, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 VT School Improvement Coaches Meeting: Instructional Shifts in the Common Core and Standard 5: Building Capacity February 16, 2012 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Please log on to the WebEx site first, then follow the onscreen instructions to dial in by phone. For additional help, dial Joe Trunk: 617 899-7925.

2 February 16, 2012222 WebEx Pointers  Confirm you can mute your own microphone/ phone – to enable discussion during today’s meeting without undue background noise, take a minute to locate the mute control on your computer/ telephone.  If using your computer for the audio portion of our meeting, PLEASE use a headset or dial in using a speakerphone.  You will be muted during the session unless otherwise indicated. If you have a question or a request, type it into the CHAT box in the lower right hand corner of your screen.  If you encounter a problem, call Joe Trunk at (617 899-7925) to talk with someone who may be able to help get you reconnected.

3 February 16, 20123 Welcome and Introductions Organizers: VT School Improvement Coordinators: Ken Remsen, Lisa Mazzitelli, Carol Duley, Debi Price Host: Joe Trunk, New England Comprehensive Center Facilitator: Karen Laba Participants: Please introduce yourself, tell your role and your school/ SU/ District affiliation, and complete the sentence “ As a school improvement coach, I can build other’s ‘capacity’ by...”

4 February 16, 20124 Meeting Objectives  Share a description of building capacity  Learn about the changes in instructional practice associated with the Common Core  Discuss ways districts and coaches can support common core changes  Offer suggestions for describing Coaching Standard #5: Building Capacity

5 February 16, 20125 Meeting Agenda 3:00 – 3:20 Welcome and Introductions 3:20 – 4:00 Support for Instructional Shifts in the Common Core 4:00 -- 4:20 Coaching Standard 5: Building Capacity 4:20 – 4:30 Homework, Next Meeting

6 Instruction in the Common Core Presenters: Gail Taylor, Pat Fitzsimmons February 16, 20126

7 7 Q & A on Common Core Instructional Shifts Pose questions, or offer comments in the Chat box or “raise your hand” to be recognized

8 February 16, 20128 Coaching Standards The Assignment: Describe behaviors that represent attainment of the coaching standard across a continuum from “approaches” to “meets” to “exceeds” Goal: To compile a comprehensive continuum that can be used to assess coaching. Design Team for Coaching Standard 5: Herb Perez, David Cohn, Bob McNamara, Mary Ann Brittingham Discussion Leaders: Herb Perez, Bob McNamara

9 February 16, 20129 Coaching Standard #5: Building Capacity STANDARD 5—Building Capacity: A School Performance Coach promotes improved school performance by developing the knowledge and skills of adult members of the school community, as well as the organizational structures and resources that support the learning and achievement of all students. The school performance coach does not act as a staff member, but rather uses modeling, mentoring, and coaching to increase individual and organization capacity. Developing instructional skills of faculty Developing faculty skills in selecting appropriate scientifically based research programs Developing leadership skills of faculty Encouraging reflective practice Assessing organizational structures Developing an aligned and balanced curriculum

10 February 16, 201210 Discussion of Coaching Standard 5 What indicators or coaching behaviors would you suggest to describe that coaches are approaching or meeting the goal of building capacity?

11 Discussion of Coaching Standard 5 February 16, 201211

12 February 16, 201212 Homework & Today’s Materials Next Meeting: Thursday, March 15, 2012, 3:00 – 4:30 pm Homework: Offer input on Standard 6: Growing Professionally on the wiki Feedback: Please provide your feedback on the usefulness of today’s meeting and suggestions for future sessions survey coming via email and posted on the wiki page. Meeting Materials: Presentation and links mentioned today will be posted on the VT SI wiki as well as on the Dept. website. A link to the recording of today’s session will be sent to all via email and posted as soon as it is available.

13 February 16, 201213 Thanks for your participation Thanks to NECC and Joe Trunk for web services and support

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