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Data Use Professional Development Series Day 10. The contents of this slideshow were developed under a Race.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Use Professional Development Series Day 10. The contents of this slideshow were developed under a Race."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Use Professional Development Series Day 10

2 The contents of this slideshow were developed under a Race to the Top grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Rhode Island educators have permission to reproduce and share the material herein, in whole or in part, with other Rhode Island educators for educational and non-commercial purposes. © 2013 the Rhode Island Department of Education and Amplify Education, Inc. 2

3 Data Use PD Post-Assessment Link:

4 Welcome back! 4

5 Data Use Day 10 Agenda 5 Post-Assessment Survey Welcome/Overview Implementation Progress Individual Self-Assessment and Goal Setting BREAK Facilitating/Coaching Data Conversations Planning Discussion Protocols SDLT Poster Preparation LUNCH SDLT Presentations and Poster Session District Sustainability Planning Wrap Up

6 Objectives By the end of Day 10, SDLTs will be able to: Set a professional goal Articulate the similarities and differences between facilitation and coaching. Articulate the goals of a planning conversation. Create a plan for a facilitated discussion. Share Action Research Plan and Sustainability Plan. Identify next steps in District Sustainability Plan. 6

7 Implementation Progress RI Data Use Rubric Turnkey Exercise Log How will you incorporate Turnkey Exercises into your work during Year 2? 12345678910 7

8 Self-Assessment

9 Coaching Practices Goal Setting Complete SDLT Member Goal Setting handout Share with a Partner: – What are your strengths? – What are your challenges? – What have you identified as your goal and the indicators of progress towards this goal?

10 Facilitation vs. Coaching FacilitationCoaching

11 Facilitation and Coaching Facilitation: – Orchestration of meaningful interactions which lead to changes in mindset (Oakley & Krug, 1992) – Can lead to problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, and task accomplishment (Killion & Simmons, 1992, p. 2) Coaching: – Practice of constructing and posing questions with the intention of engaging and transforming thought – Employing a set nonjudgmental response behaviors to establish and maintain trust and intellectual engagement (Costa & Garmston, 2002)

12 Quick Write Think about your role as an SDLT member this past year and in the upcoming Year 2 implementation: At what points in your work are you a “coach”? At what points in your work are you a “facilitator”? Are there other roles that you play?

13 BREAK 13

14 Planning Data Conversations Coaching: – “Planning Conversations” Facilitation: – Facilitated Discussions

15 What is a “Planning Conversation”? In a “planning conversation” a coach will help an individual: – Clarify goals – Specify success indicators and plan for collecting evidence – Anticipate approaches, strategies, and decisions and know how to monitor them – Establish personal learning focus and processes for self- assessment (Costa & Garmston, 2002)

16 Having a “Planning Conversation” The Process Step 1: Set and Clarify Goals: This step is about establishing the goals for the event the coachee is planning and making sure they are clear to both parties. Step 2: Indicators of success: This step is about the coachee recognizing when the plan has been successful. Step 3: How will you reach this success? This step is about how the coachee will reach that success. Step 4: Learning Focus: This step is about what the coachee has learned through the conversation that he or she might want to focus on. Step 5: Reflect on Conversation: This step is about how the conversation itself has supported the coachee in his or her thinking.

17 Activity: “Planning Conversations” When might it be helpful to have a “planning conversation” with a teacher or another stakeholder? Using the handout Prepping for a “Planning Conversation”, think through an upcoming “planning conversation” you will have.

18 Coaching “Planning Conversations” Facilitation Facilitated Discussions

19 Planning Facilitated Discussions What strategies can you use to prepare for a facilitated discussion? How can you use questioning to keep a facilitated discussion going?

20 “As Palmer (1998) has noted, how we ask questions can make the difference between a discussion that goes nowhere and one that turns into a ‘complex communal dialogue that bounces all around the room.’” (Brookfield & Preskill, 2005)

21 Types of Questions Questions that ask for more evidence Questions that ask for clarification Open questions Linking or Extension questions Cause-and-Effect questions Summary and Synthesis questions (Brookfield & Preskill, 2005)

22 Planning a Facilitated Discussion Think about a discussion you will need to facilitate next year and think through the following steps: 1.What can you do to prepare participants for the discussion? 2.What is your opening question (using positive presumptions)? 3.What are some follow up questions you will want to ask? 4.Where might the conversation become stalled or blocked? 5.What questions could you use to sustain the discussion when this happens?

23 Summary 23 It is important to examine our own strengths and challenges and set professional goals. A planning conversation can help a coach guide an individual towards his or her goals. It is important to plan and prepare for facilitated discussions.

24 SDLT Share Process SDLT Presentations SDLT Poster Session – 1 or 2 SDLT members at each poster – Other team members walk around and look at posters, ask questions – Switch SDLT Feedback Template

25 SDLT Presentations & Poster Session Create a poster that tells the story of your Sustainability Plan. The poster should convey: – The challenge(s) you face: Pattern of Need – How you will address it: Research Question; Action Plan – What success will look like at your school next year: Assess; Reflect and Share Results

26 SDLT Poster Session Prep

27 LUNCH 27

28 SDLT Presentations & Poster Session

29 District Sustainability Planning Now that you have seen the work of other schools, how does your plan relate to the other schools in your district? Where might there be opportunities for collaboration within your district? What resources and/or supports from the district office might help support this collaboration?

30 Data Use PD Feedback What was the most helpful aspect of Data Use PD? What is one recommendation you have for improving Data Use PD for next year ?

31 Wrap Up 31

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