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Supporting Instructional Practice in Order to Increase Student Achievement.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Instructional Practice in Order to Increase Student Achievement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Instructional Practice in Order to Increase Student Achievement

2  Resource provider  Instructional specialist  Curriculum specialist  Classroom supporter  Learning facilitator  Mentor  Data coach  Catalyst for change  School leader  Learner -Joellen Killion

3  Talk (identifying issues or needs, setting goals, problem solving)  Develop student materials with you  Find supplemental texts  Help locate professional resources  Develop assessments  Analyze text complexity  Classroom support

4  Co-plan lessons  Co-teach lessons  Model and debrief lessons  Visit classrooms and provide feedback  Arrange learning visits to other classrooms  Assist with PLN or HEAT coursework  Support attainment of your individual professional goal(s)

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