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Present Tense and Past Tense. Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense hophopped jumpjumped kickkicked playplayed skipskipped.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Tense and Past Tense. Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense hophopped jumpjumped kickkicked playplayed skipskipped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Tense and Past Tense

2 Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense hophopped jumpjumped kickkicked playplayed skipskipped dancedanced licklicked

3 Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense walkwalked movemoved slipslipped cleancleaned washwashed mopmopped looklooked

4 Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense runran swimswam eatate catchcaught throwthrew gowent seesaw

5 Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense put cut read hit smellsmelt singsang getgot

6 Read the verbs in the present and past tenses. Present TensePast Tense taketook winwon sitsat shakeshook shootshot fightfought givegave

7 Quiz Time

8 Say the past tense of the verbs. Present TensePast Tense skip jump kick hop slip clean lick dance play

9 Say the past tense of the verbs. Present TensePast Tense take win fight catch see swim put throw cut

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