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A PPRAISALS FOR R EVALIDATION 2012 Mike Sheldon Tower Hamlets PCT appraisal team.

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Presentation on theme: "A PPRAISALS FOR R EVALIDATION 2012 Mike Sheldon Tower Hamlets PCT appraisal team."— Presentation transcript:

1 A PPRAISALS FOR R EVALIDATION 2012 Mike Sheldon Tower Hamlets PCT appraisal team

2 This presentation based on that by Phillipa Cockman in 2011 Appraisals based on the new GMC framework Specifically looking at – Core information which should be brought to the appraisal The new GMP guidelines and framework Evidence needed to support successful appraisals

3 S UPPORTING I NFORMATION 1CPD undertaken last year Time, reflection and evidence of change 2Evidence of quality of care (at least one audit in each 5 year cycle) 3Significant events (2 a year, so at least 10 in a 5 year cycle) 4Feedback from colleagues (once in the 5 year cycle, available from the GMC and RCGP web sites) 5Feedback from patients (once in the 5 year cycle, available from GMC and RCGP web sites) 6Complaints and compliments

4 GMC G OOD M EDICAL PRACTICE FRAMEWORK 4 Domains of good practice 1Knowledge, Skills and Performance 2Safety and Quality 3Communication, partnership and teamwork 4Maintaining Trust

5 1 K NOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE 1Keeping up to date Educational log PUNS and DENS Reflective learning log 2Auditing care Prescribing Practice organisation Referrals Clinical care 3 Recognise your own competence Peer reviews of consultations 360 degree msf

6 1 K NOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE (2) 4Research Ethical 5Teaching Undergraduate and postgraduate Staff and other 6 Management 7Patient Care Self-help 8Clear and accurate documentation Record keeping

7 2 S AFETY AND QUALITY 1Protect Patients Audits Significant Events Locum cover 2Respond to risks to safety Child protection 3Your own health Immunisation Health reflection template

8 3 C OMMUNICATION, PARTNERSHIP AND TEAMWORK Communicate effectively – With patients Listen to and respect patients Review patient complaints Patient satisfaction survey Keep patients informed Informed consent Review consultation style With Colleagues 360 degree msf

9 4 M AINTAINING TRUST 1 Show respect for patients Treat patient information confidentiality Treat patient’s fairly 2 Treat patients and colleagues fairly Respond promptly to complaints Write honest references Do not discriminate 3 Act with honesty and Integrity Ethical research Write honest reports making clear your limitations Honest finances and published material Be honest in record keeping



12 R ELATIONSHIPS WITH PATIENTS Maintain patient confidentiality Treat patients with honesty and dignity Undertake ethical research respecting patient’s rights Respond promptly to complaints Listen to patients and respect their views Explain when things have gone wrong Encourage patients to take an interest in their health Obtain informed consent before examinations and tests, teaching and research.

13 T HE A PPRAISAL PROCESS INPUTS Description of scope and nature of work Supporting Information from the doctor Last year’s PDP Confidential Appraisal discussion OUTPUTS Summary of appraisal (Form 4) Doctor’s PDP Appraiser’s Statements

14 A PPRAISER ’ S OUTPUT STATEMENTS 1Appraisal completed based on GMC values in Good Medical Practice 2Supporting information has been provided which reflect the nature of the doctor’s work 3Last year’s PDP reviewed and progress recorded 4Next year’s PDP agreed 5Nothing has been presented or discussed that raises concerns about the doctor’s fitness to practice

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