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Infor XA Release 7 An Executive Perspective Deborah Vermillion, VP Consulting Services Mike Taylor, VP Sales

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Presentation on theme: "Infor XA Release 7 An Executive Perspective Deborah Vermillion, VP Consulting Services Mike Taylor, VP Sales"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infor XA Release 7 An Executive Perspective Deborah Vermillion, VP Consulting Services Mike Taylor, VP Sales

2 Agenda 1.What is XA Release 7? 2.What are the improvements? 3.Is Release 7 ready for You? 4.How do I get there? 5.Summary

3 What is XA Release 7? Java Architecture Infrastructure NETWORK server iSeries Application Server Web Server Custom Definition Server Database DB2/400 HTML Server XML Server iSeries Application Server Database DB2/400 Legacy Architecture

4 What is XA Release 7? Java Architecture Infrastructure NETWORK Data Base Web

5 One platform for total enterprise integration Quality JDBC Custom System (SQL Server) Infor XA User User Customize XMLHTMLWS Other System XML Thin Client Web Site WSWSOfficeExcel What is XA Release 7?

6 Java Architecture User Interface What is XA Release 7?

7 Powerful Functional and in the future

8 What is XA Release 7? Powerful Functional and in the future

9 What is XA Release 7? New Applications Lean Execution and Planning (LEAP) –Integrates Lean execution with MO’s or REP schedules  Infor Supply Web –Electronic Supplier Communications  Infor Enterprise Asset Management  Leverage Infor’s Solution Library

10 Agenda 1.What is XA Release 7? 2.What are the improvements? 3.Is Release 7 ready for You? 4.How do I get there? 5.Summary

11 Implement at your own pace Release 6 Green Screen MM MM PM PM EPDM EPDM OBPM OBPMCSM R 6 Browser ‘Smalltalk’ Integrator Integrator SystemLink SystemLinkNetLink Release 7 Green Screen R 7 Browser Java

12 What are the improvements? 1.Easy Access to Information improves decision making 2.Improved Application Functionality 3.Tailor XA to meet your specific needs 4.Connectivity and collaboration beyond your walls

13 Quick change Graph cards Compound cards Presentation schemes Subset tip text Cascading subsets Power expand URL & e-Mail buttons Attachment count Column statistics User definition favorites Express customization Logical field tip text Change templates Code files delete Auto logoff Auto key generation Open action Workspaces Easy Access to Information

14 Highlight Exception Items

15 Graph data on a card –Pie charts, bar charts, stacked bar… Multiple fields, multiple records Drill down to supporting data Customize subsets, sorts, max number Graph Cards

16 Compound Cards

17 Column Totals and Statistics

18 Quick Change

19 All Available over the Internet

20 PO P012345 for $11,283.19 needs approval Proactive Notification with Alerts

21 2. Improved Application Functionality R7 Essentials is the platform for enhancing core applications (EPDM, PM, IFM, etc) R7 is the platform for integration to Infor Extensions

22 Cost Simulation Object

23 Results at total item level… …and by cost element… …and by summary. Cost Simulation Object

24 Cost elements Summary costs Costed Indented Bill of Material

25 Purchase Requests New object on main browser Ties together requisitions –Like a header –Handle requisitions as a group –Makes entering and tracking requisitions easier Purchase Request Buyer:John Doe Whs:Atlanta REQ 1123A10Apr 1 ITEMQTYDATE 2254644Apr 8 3593848Apr 8 4201914Apr 1 5387687Apr 6 Priority:1 Contract:123

26 Purchase Requests From the requisitions Overall status All/Some/None

27 Purchase Requests

28 Requisitions Purchase Request items are requisitions

29 Benefits Purchase Request is for the requisitioner, not the buyer –No change to buyer’s process Manage and track requisitions as a group –For order, job, contract Quick glance shows status –Drill-down to see more

30 PO Variance Comparison cards Define ‘Standard’…

31 PO Variance

32 IFM – Functions in process Phase I – “Establishment” –All table maintenance Entities, divisions, ledgers, withholding tables… –45% of menu options Phase II – “Transactions” –Journal entries –Cash receipts –AR Invoices –AP Invoices Phase III – “The rest”

33 Lean Execution and Planning (LEAP) Lean Execution and Planning includes: Kanban setup and management Electronic production/rate boards Backflushing with or without an M.O. Kanban integration with XA’s shop floor tools “drag and drop” M.O. / Kanban scheduling and much more….

34 Lean Execution and Planning (LEAP)

35 Infor App 2 PO Infor ERP Infor ERP Infor Integration-Enterprise Software Bus Enable functions once to interact with the busEnable functions once to interact with the bus May now interact with any other application enabled for the busMay now interact with any other application enabled for the bus –Let App 1 = SupplyWEB –Let App 2 = EAM –Both can use PO’s in the ERP system ESB Infor App 1 PO SWEAM Infor App 3 XA XA POASN

36 SupplyWEB: Electronic Comm w/Suppliers Multiple Procurement Methodologies: Scheduled Releases Ship Schedules Discrete Purchases One Way eKanban Pull Signals Supplier Managed Inventory (SMI)

37 Asset - Equipment Work Management Materials Management Purchasing Management Administration Management Reporting World Class Enterprise Asset Management

38 Easy to use –Pre-set configurations –Simplified Installation –Pre-define KPI/Inbox’s –Low database and server costs –Simplified User setup –User defined Hyperlinks for fast data entry –Financial Integration to XA included World Class Enterprise Asset Management

39 Purchased Manufactured 3. Tailor XA to meet your specific needs

40 Develop Applications

41 Release Transparency! This is a big deal! You plan to be with your ERP system for a long time A long time = lots of custom project Everything you customize is “transparent” to the release. Customized software but not modified No source code changes At release time, changes are brought forward and reapplied

42 Link business processes outside your 4 walls Integrate multiple systems Integrate multiple platforms Leverage desktop applications 4. Connectivity and Collaboration

43 Secure web access to your objects Infor XA User Customize HTML Custom business processes Create objects and deploy over the web

44  Create and deploy objects on the web in minutes  Navigation, customization, attachments…all automatic  Note: Enterprise Integrator is required for Net-Link to see new or changed objects. Secure web access to your objects

45 Integrate XA with your web page… Infor XA User Customize XMLHTML Web pages talk XML natively Create web pages that talk XML to your ERP system

46 Integrate XA with your web page…

47 Integrate with other systems Infor XA User Customize XMLHTML ERPBackbone Other System XML Other system –Financial, CRM, shop floor, CAD… Includes edits, calculated fields, business rules Honors security

48 Download/upload bulk data

49 Integrate with Desktop applications Infor XA User WSWSOffice Customize XMLHTMLWS Costs Budgets Forecasts Prices Other System XML

50 Integrate with Desktop applications

51 Quality JDBC Integrate other applications Departmental System (SQL Server) Infor XA User User WSWSOffice Customize XMLHTMLWS Other System XML Single user interface

52 Objects from QA’s system (SQL Server)

53 Quality JDBC One platform for total integration Departmental System (SQL Server) Infor XA User User WSWSOffice Customize XMLHTMLWS Other System XML Single user interface

54  Access QA data over the Internet

55 Quality JDBC One platform for total integration Departmental System (SQL Server) Infor XA User User WSWSOffice Customize XMLHTMLWS Other System XML Single user interface

56 Agenda 1.What is XA Release 7? 2.What are the improvements? 3.Is Release 7 ready for You? 4.How do I get there? 5.Summary

57 Is Release 7 Ready for You? R7 is implemented on a large scale in large companies –Polaris, hundreds of users, multiple sites –Vestas, hundreds of users, multiple sites, multiple countries

58 Is Release 7 Ready for You? R7 is implemented on a large scale in mid-sized companies “XA R7 is a tremendous tool for our business. Users are now able to access key information, without the need for specialized queries and reporting help from IT. The ability and ease of which our people can locate up-to-date data, and export to Excel is extremely valuable.” IT Manager, electronics manufacturer “XA R7 has provided an integrated business solution for our company. Information flows seamlessly, and via PowerLink, users are able to quickly access real-time information to make business decisions and respond to issues quickly. It has enabled an improvement of our business processes, and is the backbone of running our business.” VP Finance, industrial equipment manufacturer

59 Is Release 7 Ready for You? R7 is implemented on a large scale in mid-sized companies “Finding vital production information, such as customer order and manufacturing order status, is five times faster with XA R7. Once you move to this toolset, you would never want to function without it.” Production Control Manager, Ind Equipment Manufacturer “ The workbench capability in XA R7 allows us to analyze material and purchase requirements exactly how we want to see them. This type of analysis previously required sometimes hours of digging, but is now easily seen on one screen – without having to go to multiple places in the system!” Materials Manager, Ind Equip Mfr “We were sold by the ease with which you can customize the PowerLink user interface. The ability to quickly and easily add custom data files with relationships to XA data, and have those files immediately available in the PowerLink interface is extremely powerful” IT manager, Wire manufacturer

60 Agenda 1.What is XA Release 7? 2.What are the improvements? 3.Is Release 7 ready for You? 4.How do I get there? 5.Summary

61 How do I get there? 1.Define your vision 2.Infrastructure Planning 3.Implement the R7 Platform 4.Deploy the enhancements

62 Quality JDBC Define your Vision Departmental System (SQL Server) Infor XA User User WSWSOffice Customize XMLHTMLWS Other System XML Single user interface

63 Infrastructure Planning MM MM PM PM EPDM EPDM OBPM OBPMCSM R 7 Java Integrator Integrator SystemLink SystemLinkNetLink R 7 Green Screen

64 Infrastructure Planning 1.Performance Planning Determine Server Requirements R7 performance has been tuned Offload to PC servers Network Considerations Client Considerations Your affiliate and Infor can help 2.Technical Education R7 Infrastructure operations

65 Implement the Platform 1.If Green Screen only, similar to previous migrations Minimal application changes Evaluate impact to custom programs 2.With Java applications Link Manager Configuration Client Deployment

66 Deploy the Solution 1.Existing ‘Browser’ User Basic Training on enhancements Power user could provide 2.New Java User/s Potential for significant process improvement Consulting assistance to develop streamlined processes supported by new tools 3.Project for significant extensions

67 Summary-Why go to XA 7? 1.My Infrastructure is now ‘nimble’ 2.My ‘Enterprise’ is now connected 3.Information is now available 4.My processes are more streamlined 5.My users are more productive 6.Roadblocks (quality, performance) have been removed

68 Questions or comments? Thank you!!

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