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Capital Asset Management May 14, 2008 Today’s Presenters: Anna Jensen, Director of Auxiliary Accounting, Capital Asset Management, Accounts Receivable,

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Asset Management May 14, 2008 Today’s Presenters: Anna Jensen, Director of Auxiliary Accounting, Capital Asset Management, Accounts Receivable,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Asset Management May 14, 2008 Today’s Presenters: Anna Jensen, Director of Auxiliary Accounting, Capital Asset Management, Accounts Receivable, and Student Loan Administration Indiana University Shelley Pierce, Senior Accountant San Joaquin Delta College

2 Presentation Outline Introduction Current Functionality Kuali Screens

3 System Benefits Automation of journal entries Standard reporting and reconciliation tools Multiple user access Ability to handle specialized government reporting requirements Inventory tracking and reporting System Integration consistent with Kuali FIS system. Automated process for creation of capital assets Automation of manual processes, data entry Ability to accept batch feeds from other systems Web Access by Department Note: Based on analysis of processes of participating institutions

4 CAB/CAMS The capital asset builder or “CAB” is used to create assets for the capital asset system using information from the gl and purchasing system. Capital Asset Management System also referred to as “CAMS” tracks information using a series of documents for capital moveable, non-moveable and non-capital items.

5 Asset Creation Capital Asset Builder (CAB)  Equipment  Fabrications assets are created by the fabrication document. Invoices modify the existing asset.  Capital Lease assets are created on a Financial Document  Art and Museum Add Asset Document & Add Payment Document  Buildings & Building Improvements  Infrastructure  Land  Leasehold Improvements  Library books Add Asset Document  Non-capital assets are created by departments  Capital Equipment Gifts How the assets are created at IU

6 Additions Processed in CAB Moveable additions are processed in the Capital Asset Builder. Process: –Requisition issued in the Electronic Processing and Invoicing Center (EPIC). Capital object code is assigned. Purchase Order is approved –Payment Request is issued and approved »Payment hits the General Ledger »Batch process loads data into CAB

7 Capital Asset Builder (CAB) Invoice Line Items  Moveable Equipment purchased on PO  Art and Museum Items  Fabrications Additions are Created by the University Capital Asset Office

8 Data Flow for Capital Asset Builder Data Flow General Ledger FIS Financial Document with Capital Object Code PREQ is extracted to general ledger

9 CAB Process Flow CAB GL Transaction Screen CAB Invoice Line Item Screen Purchasing Invoices (PREQ) Pre-asset tagging

10 CAB Process Flow Process PREQ, Line item is ready to create asset Pre-Asset Tagging table is checked to see if data exists CAB Create View Asset Screen Asset is saved to CAMS Database

11 Invoice Line Item Screen

12 Additional Charges Allocated Next insert line 2 from pending

13 Inserted from Pending Next add line 8 to line 1

14 line 8 has been added to line 1 Next Create Asset

15 Create View Asset Screen

16 New Version Invoice Line Item  Trade-ins are allocated in CAB by pressing the “allocate” button.  The allocate routine will first allocate any additional charges (freight); then allocate the trade-in allowance. Processing Trade-ins

17 Example: General Error Correction

18 Modify an Asset

19 Enter Pending Asset Information

20 General Ledger Transactions

21 CAMS Capital Asset Management System also referred to as “CAMS” tracks information using a series of documents for capital moveable, non-moveable and non-capital items.

22 Capital Asset Documents Group Selection

23 Capital Asset Maintenance Group Selection

24 Physical Inventory Intermec Antares Trakkers scan equipment. Filecopy utility is used to extract file and copy to PC. File Uploaded to FIS Bar-code Error Document Inventory Reconciliation Report

25 Depreciation Depreciation expense is calculated from a stored procedure that updates the asset database on a monthly basis. The Straight Line method is the basis for the calculation, along with a method for Salvage Value. Federally owned payments are excluded from the depreciation calculation. In addition, no Deprecation will be taken on Art and Museum Objects, Land, or Leasehold Equities. Each asset is depreciated from the asset create date, and the assets useful life assigned to the asset type code. Kuali will provide a more universal process for depreciation. Institutions will now have the flexibility to utilize a full year or half year depreciation convention. Two new dates have been added to the capital asset management system. In-service date, and depreciation date. The new depreciation date will be used to calculate depreciation.


27 Capital Asset Management Capital Asset Management is currently under development in Kuali. The screens displayed in this presentation may not be the final version of the document.

28 Security for Asset Maintenance For departmental users update access is granted on the KFS user document. Default access is granted using the chart and organization in the “user” section. The Capital Asset Management User Properties tab can grant update access by chart, or at the highest level for central administration.

29 KFS Main Menu Asset- lookup criteria is based on asset information. Asset Payment - lookup criteria is based on payment information.

30 Create New /Global (Actions) Create New create new fabrication request Global create new retirement global create new location global create new add asset global

31 Fabrication

32 Fabrication continued Information tab The “location tab” and the “organization tag” are also displayed on the fabrication document.

33 Global Retirement First select retirement reason from lookup table. Once the retirement reason is selected the system will determine if additional information is required. Examples: a) gift, external transfer, sold, theft.

34 Asset Retirement Reason Lookup

35 Asset Retirement Global

36 Asset Retirement Continued Asset Detail Tab

37 Asset Retirement Continued Look up/Add Multiple Asset Lines

38 Asset Location Global

39 Asset Lookup Criteria Several fields are available as search criteria to retrieve assets from the database.

40 Asset Lookup Fields 1. Tag Number 2. Asset Number 3. Org Chart Of Accounts Code4. Org Owner Account Number 5. Org Owner Organization Code6. Owner 7. Asset Status 8. Asset Condition 9. Asset Type Code 10. Asset Description 11. Asset Representative 12. Organization Inventory Name 13. Campus 14. Building Code 15. Building Room Number 16. Vendor Name 17. Manufacturer 18.Model Number 19. Serial Number 20. National Stock Number 21. Create Date 22. Old Tag Number 23. Organization Tag Number 24.Government Tag: Total Cost

41 Asset Lookup Search Results

42 Actions Edit Loan Merge (this was added to retirement) Payment Separate Transfer

43 Edit = Asset Maintenance

44 Asset Maintenance Continued Asset Detail Information Tab

45 Asset Detail Information Continued

46 Asset Maintenance Continued Asset Location Tab

47 Asset Maintenance Continued Organization Information Tab

48 Asset Maintenance Continued Land Information Tab Several key requirements identified by the subcommittee were already implemented in Kuali. Three new fields have been added to track non- moveable land assets.

49 Asset Maintenance Continued Payment Information Tab

50 Payment Information Continued

51 Asset Maintenance Continued Depreciation Information Tab

52 Asset Maintenance Continued View Related Document Information

53 Asset Maintenance Continued Warranty

54 Asset Maintenance Continued Repair History

55 Asset Maintenance Continued Components

56 More Component Information

57 View Asset Document History System will display pending, canceled and approved Capital Asset Documents. CAB – System will display Financial Documents pending against an asset. Purchase Orders

58 Asset Maintenance Continued Asset Transfer Document

59 Asset Maintenance Continued Asset Transfer Location Tab

60 Asset Transfer Organization Tab

61 Still to come! Capital Asset Builder Pre-asset tagging Separate an Asset Bar-code Inventory

62 Questions?

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