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Karolina Muszyńska. 2 3 1.Service personnel selects 'Make repair reservation‘ 2.System displays 'repair reservation' form 3.Service personnel selects.

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Presentation on theme: "Karolina Muszyńska. 2 3 1.Service personnel selects 'Make repair reservation‘ 2.System displays 'repair reservation' form 3.Service personnel selects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karolina Muszyńska

2 2

3 3

4 1.Service personnel selects 'Make repair reservation‘ 2.System displays 'repair reservation' form 3.Service personnel selects client search 4.System displays list of clients 5.Service personnel chooses a client 6.System inserts the client's data into the 'repair reservation' form 7.Service personnel selects repairs search 8.Include: Display repair types 9.Service personnel selects the repair type 10.System inserts the repair's data together with the cost to the 'repair reservation' form 11.Service personnel selects 'make repair reservation‘ 12.System displays confirmation 4

5 before point 5. extend: Add client 5 1.System displays 'add client' form 2.Service personnel inserts client's data (name, address, phone number, e-mail address) 3.Service personnel selects 'add client‘ 4.System displays confirmation

6 6  Possible business tasks:  Rent a car  Take back the rented car  Prepare cars for rental  Make a reservation for a car  Buy a car  Sell a car  …

7 7  Business steps:  Identifying the type of car and rental time frame the client is interested in  Identifying the client  Preparing the rental contract  Signing the contract and informing garage about new rental

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