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ANTARES INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES CPPM Prospective, 26/3/14 Paschal Coyle Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARES INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES CPPM Prospective, 26/3/14 Paschal Coyle Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARES INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITIES CPPM Prospective, 26/3/14 Paschal Coyle Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille 1

2 2 ANTARES: Instrumentation Line Monitoring of environmental parameters since 2007 IL 07 ADCPCamera OM hydrophones CT ADCP Camera OM hydrophones C-Star O2O2 CT SV hydrophone RxTx 14.5m 80m 14.5m 80m 98m CSTAR light transmission CT = Conductivity- Temperature SV = sound velocity ADCP = Current meter GURALP seismometer 2 Optical Modules Acoustic positioning Oxygen meters 2 video cameras 3 storeys of UHE neutrino acoustic detectors Oceanography Bioluminescence Seismology Acoustic monitoring Environmental Monitoring

3 Floor 5 Floor 1 Camera OM ADCP Camera OM AXIS221 vidéosurveillance Sensistivity: 0.1 lux Field of view: up to 90 degrees Self triggering Infra red night vision Real Time Video Cameras 3

4 Early image 2sec exposure 4

5 3 sequences of 2 images: 100msec exposure each time 5

6 Bioluminescence & reflections from frame 6

7 Secondary Junction Box Instrumentation module Seismograph Connected 30 oct 2010 DeepSeaNeTprototype SJB 7

8 Instrumention Interface Module O2, CTD, P BioCam Courantometer Turbidity Electronic Container CDC Connector for extension Interlink Cable 8

9 9 New “LuSEApher” electron bombardment pixel CMOS camera for bioluminescence studies in ANTARES: connected to secondary junction box S20 Photocathode on vacuum tube: Focus onto CMOS 400x400 ( 10  m ) pixel chip operating at 15°C; Multiplication gain: 3kV accelerating electric field; Readout: back thinned APS CMOS array Low noise: dark count: <10 -4  /pixel/frame. Single-Photon sensitivity Fast readout: Frame rate = 62-500 Hz Local disk storage: FIFO readout triggered by event with > 14

10 10

11 Organisms at -2500m, seen in “LuSEApher” EB pixel camera RICH2013 Workshop on Cherenkov Detectors, Kanagawa, Japan, December 2-6, 2013 Typ. object size ~ 3mm rms max extent ~ 10mm X 8 lens 11

12 Next Steps New version of LuSeaPher under construction Combination of 2 or 3 cameras Illumination by LEDs of different wavelengths Stereo view to define distance of object Foreseen for next version of Secondary JB (2014-2015) Active participation of CPPM Also proposed in European BlueGrowth program 12

13 In-situ Oxygen Dynamics Auto-Sampler Several produced at CPPM for COM Electronics in equipressure 2040m depth 13

14 Publications 14 Deep-Sea Bioluminescence Blooms after Dense Water Formation at the Ocean Surface PLoS ONE 8(7): e67523 (2013) Use ADCP data Accepted by Ocean Dynamics

15 15 Seismology The seismograph ANTARES is part of seismic monitoring network, complementary to the terrestrial stations. Collaboration with Laboratoire Géosciences Azur In laboratory deploymentBuried at site Antares (gain 20 dB of noise) PEROU SAN REMO

16 AMADEUS: Acoustic Detection of Neutrinos neutrino Acoustic Pressure Waves Hydrophone Array Cascade 16 Proposal Greg : Study different transponder frequencies to optimize Airplane blackbox signal reach

17 Direction reconstruction from one storey on L12 All types of transient signals included, sea mammals, ships etc. 0o0o 90 o -90 o -60 o 120 o Acoustic Source Direction Distribution 17

18 LISTEN TO ANTARES LIVE (click on “Enter the bioacoustics page”, then “Ligurian Sea”) 18

19 New Institute: University Toulon-Sud Prof. Hervé Glotin Institut Universitaire de France ( Systems and Information Sciences Lab Responsable du projet DYNI, et du projet SABIOD-MASTODONS ( UMR CNRS 7296 LSIS – Université de Toulon et AMU 19

20 Conclusion Wide program of interdisciplinary research around ANTARES Both hardware and data analysis contributions To be continued within ANTARES and MEUST/KM3Net Near future : New LuSeaPher camera 20

21 acoustic modem 100 Base T 400 VDC NŒUD MEUST SE Depth (meter) 500 1500 1000 2000 2500 Inductive Data Transfer Acoustic release transponder Dead weight Buoy Acoustic transponder (MEUST acoustic field for positioning during sea operation) Acoustic Data Transfer 1000 BaseT Fx 500 VAC From MEUST BJ MII Inductive Data Transfer BJ  400 m NOEUD  50 m Acoustic Modem  2000 m 2350 m Sensors MEUST SCIENCE DE l’ENVIRONNEMENT une plateforme au service de la communauté Hydrodynamique – Circulation Biogeochimie Ecologie Marine Geosciences 21

22 acoustic modem 100 Base T 400 VDC NŒUD MEUST SE Depth (meter) 500 1500 1000 2000 2500 Inductive Data Transfer Acoustic release transponder Dead weight Buoy Acoustic transponder (MEUST acoustic field for positioning during sea operation) Acoustic Data Transfer 1000 BaseT Fx 500 VAC From MEUST BJ MII Inductive Data Transfer BJ  400 m NOEUD  50 m Acoustic Modem  2000 m Line 2350 m Sensors MEUST SCIENCE DE l’ENVIRONNEMENT une plateforme au service de la communauté Hydrodynamique – Circulation Biogeochimie Ecologie Marine Geosciences 22

23 Gamma Spectra in Deep Sea Log scale 1460 keV ( 40 K ) 352 keV ( 214 Pb) 609 keV ( 214 Bi) 1764 keV ( 214 Bi) 241 keV ( 214 Pb) Only Uranium and Potassium 1460 keV intégré sur 10H 23

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