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The Life of Jesus (28) Matthew 23. A Study of Hypocrisy (3) Matthew 23.

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Presentation on theme: "The Life of Jesus (28) Matthew 23. A Study of Hypocrisy (3) Matthew 23."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Life of Jesus (28) Matthew 23

2 A Study of Hypocrisy (3) Matthew 23

3 Previously What is a hypocrite? From Greek word ὑποκριτής (hypokrites) One who pretends to be other than he really is. Descriptive of an actor (wearing a mask) Matthew 23:2-4

4 In our last lesson: Matthew 23:2-4 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, a lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.” (NKJV) Hypocrisy

5 Previously: Matt. 23:5-12 They loved places of honor, titles, etc. 23:13-15 – They shut up the kingdom of heaven 23:14 – they exploited the poor 23:14 – hypocritical prayers 23:15-22 – taught acceptable deceit

6 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – They tithed seeds and spices, but neglected weightier matters A distorted view of God’s laws – works without faith! 2 Cor. 10:12 Strain a gnat, swallow a camel

7 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – Neglected “weightier matters” Motives that governed their actions - Justice, mercy and faith

8 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – Neglected “weightier matters” Justice (fairness in judgment ) doing right without partiality They devoured widows houses, prejudice, double standards, etc.

9 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – Neglected “weightier matters” Mercy – compassion, forgiving, kind They devoured widows houses, prejudice, double standards, etc. Matt. 9:13, Jas. 2:13

10 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – Neglected “weightier matters” Faith – faithfulness, honest They devoured widows houses, they taught lying, etc. Gal. 5:22, Rev. 2:10, 2 Tim. 2:2

11 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – “Weightier matters” Motives & attitude ARE just as important as actions! Sacrifices - Amos 5:21-24, 1 Sam. 15:22, Psa. 51:16-17

12 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 – “Weightier matters” Motives govern OUR conduct! Cf. Matt. 22:34-39, 1 Tim. 1:5, Jas. 2:14-17, 1 Cor. 13:1-7, 9:19-23

13 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 “Weightier matters” Does getting the little things right justify neglecting “weightier matters”? NO! The context! Do we sometimes justify ourselves with this principle? Luke 17:10

14 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 “Weightier matters” Does motive nullify proper actions? NO! Proper motives “motivate” us to do the right thing.

15 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 “Weightier matters” Does “weightier matters” mean at times we can set aside God’s instructions? What about exceptions? (Lk. 14:5, 6:3-5) Such involve extraordinary circumstances! Unplanned, temporary, etc.

16 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 “Weightier matters” Does “weightier matters” mean at times we can set aside God’s instructions? Is Jesus dealing with exceptions? NO! He is exposing failure! If we are seeking to get out of “the little details” we do NOT understand “weightier matters”!

17 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:23-24 “Weightier matters” Consider Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much…”

18 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:25-28 – Superficial righteousness Application of previous verses Another description of what hypocrisy is – outward appearance inconsistent with inward motives – dirty cups and whitewashed tombs.

19 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:25-28 – Superficial righteousness NOTE: You CANNOT hide from God! Heb. 4:13 Our service must be inwardly motivated – 2 Tim. 3:5, 1 Tim. 1:5

20 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:29-33 – They appeared to be religious & righteous – self- deceived Honored the prophets and claimed they would not have killed them Jesus notes they would do the very same thing – beginning with Him

21 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:29-33 – They appeared to be religious & righteous – self-deceived The result would be their condemnation! And they had no excuse! John 15:22

22 The Anatomy of a Hypocrite 23:29-33 – They appeared to be religious & righteous – self- deceived It is NOT enough to be religious Jas. 1:27, Matt. 7:21-23 Guard against arrogance – 1 Cor. 10:12, Rom. 11:20

23 Is our conduct consistent with our motives? 2 Cor. 13:5

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