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The gender dimensions of HIV/AIDS By Arlette Campbell White, World Bank Institute `

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1 The gender dimensions of HIV/AIDS By Arlette Campbell White, World Bank Institute `

2 A RH issue that crosses all sectors n In this brief presentation we will define the gender dimensions of the HIV/AIDS pandemic; n We will identify gender–related interventions addressing the needs and concerns of both men and women to (i) reduce vulnerability to HIV/AIDS & (ii) mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS, drawing out non-health sector implications

3 2. Why a gender approach? Men and women face :  Different prevalence rates;  Different risk factors;  Different impacts of the pandemic; This has implications for care, strategies of prevention, and coping mechanisms

4 Worldwide:  The proportion of adults with HIV/AIDS who are women has been steadily increasing: 41% in 1997, 47% in 2000;  In 2000: 52% of all AIDS death and 46% of all adults newly infected were women;  AIDS ranks as a leading causes of death among women aged 20 to 40 years in several cities in Europe, SSAfrica, and North America;  Women are increasingly infected at younger ages than men.

5 Eg: In SSA, HIV/AIDS affects men and women differently: n Women are more frequently infected than men; n Women are more vulnerable than men; n Women are more affected than men; and n Existing strategies are more male oriented.

6 In SSA, more women than men are infected : n Out of 24,5 million people living with AIDS, 53% are women, representing 82% of the world’s women with HIV/AIDS; n 5 to 6 times more girls than boys are infected between 15 and 19 years of age.


8 Why are women/girls more affected than men? n Physical and emotional burden of caring for sick family members and for orphaned children; n Dropped out of school due to AIDS- related demand; n “Managing” to find food, medicines…; n And then, more vulnerable to AIDS.

9 n 3. For women and girls, risk factors to HIV/AIDS are different from men and boys.

10 Vulnerability of women and girls is multi-dimensional: n Biological vulnerability; n Social and cultural vulnerability; n Economic vulnerability.

11 Biological vulnerability: n Risk of becoming infected during vaginal intercourse as much as 2-4 times higher for women than men; n Unrecognized and untreated STDs; n Bleeding during intercourse from prior FGM, or due to early marriage…

12 Socio-cultural vulnerability: n Society imposes different rules on both men and women which increase women’s vulnerability to AIDS. Example of SSA

13 How men and women are supposed to interact: n Domination over women ; n Sexually active; n Control decision- making concerning sex; n Multiple partners essential to men’s nature; n Have to prove their manhood n Defer to male authority: lower social status; n Ignorant about sex; n No control on when, how, with whom… to have sex; n Virgin; faithful; have to stick to one man; n Have to prove their motherhood

14 n “Real men” take risks: expected to use drugs, alcohol; n Supposed to have the relevant information about sex; n Supposed to be strong, daring and virile;”Real men” don’t get sick... n Risky behavior to please men; n Little information concerning their reproductive roles n Supposed to be fragile...

15 Then, gender norms contribute to women’s vulnerability: n Cannot negotiate safer sex, nor behavior change of their partners; n Have limited ability to seek and receive care & support when infected; n More exposed to stigmatization in seeking out treatment and care; n More exposed to HIV through rape, sexual violence...

16 Gender norms contribute to men’s vulnerability too: n See themselves as invulnerable to illness or risk: don’t seek for health care; n Bisexual/homosexual; n Less informed than expected...

17 Economic vulnerability of women due to: n Unequal access to education/ employment, land, property, credit... n Increase of female-headed households; n Economically-motivated migration; n Coping with AIDS impact in the context of high prevalence setting (Stress on food security, lost incomes, medicines…)

18 And then, women : n Not able to avoid risky situations; n Often pay for “life opportunities” as an alternative to dire poverty: “Sugar daddies”, Transactional sex, Sex trade... n Lack of money to pay for prevention and treatment...

19 In conclusion, women’s vulnerability is: n Associated with factors that are not within their control; n Determined by social, and economic relationships; n Determined by power relationships.

20 Economic vulnerability of men due to: n Special circumstances: war, male environments; n Worked related male migration; n Male occupations: truck drivers, fishermen, soldiers, miners…

21 n 4. What can we do to tackle the gender issues that stand in the way of effective prevention, care, and coping mechanisms ?

22 Develop gender sensitive strategies: n Raise awareness among women and men as well as girls and boys about the ways gender differences affect them; n Question definitions of femininity and masculinity; n Question whether policies address the specific needs of both men and women.

23 Develop messages which promote: n Sex education and basic information about reproductive health (anatomy and physiology) for girls and boys as well as for women and men; n Access to a technology women can control and use to protect themselves (female condom); n Sexual behavior that respects both men and women;

24 n Access to women-friendly AIDS prevention services; n Target different stakeholders in ways to increase gender sensitivity of AIDS interventions; n Diversify the channels to inform different target groups; n Target women’s groups, teachers, parents, youth’s groups… at school or elsewhere;

25 Create an enabling environment by: n Creating awareness of the fatal economic impact of AIDS for the entire community; n Pushing for policy changes that improve socio-economic status of women; n Promoting a better dialogue between girls and boys at a very early age.

26 n Sensitizing men and women to the changeable nature of social roles in general and to sexual roles in particular; n Empowering youth to protect themselves, to speak up and to have access to a much better controlled technology; n Promoting behavior change.

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