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1 Module Code CC2E01NP: Employment Skills Lecture for Week 5 2011-2012 Autumn

2 Week 3 Lecture coverage Searching for work placements and internships Why is this important? Preparing for the interview.

3 Learning Objectives

4 To apply for work placements…… You will need…… …. a CV and a cover letter They will need to be ……….. …..targeted to each opportunity/organization You need to identify and explain relevant……. …..skills backed up with…. …. evidence. For help with your CV and cover letter, you can arrange to see a ….. ….. your lecturer/tutor.

5 Approaches Finding and approaching employers Advertised placements and internships Word of mouth and developing your personal network Volunteering opportunities.

6 Approaching employers How do I find them? - brainstorm and use search engines to identify major players in IT and communications - Think of key organizations in your area e.g. schools and colleges, council offices, hospitals.

7 Approaching employers (Cont.) How do I approach them? - Check their website to see a. what they do and b. if they mention work placements - ring them to ask if you can send your CV and to get a contact name. - send your CV and a cover letter anyway, addressed to an appropriate person or job role e.g. Head of IT Support.

8 Approaching employers (Cont.) What do I say? - be clear about what you’re asking for e.g. a five week work placement starting in February 2012. If this is flexible, say so.

9 Advertised placements and internships Search websites of specific companies’ and organisations.

10 Word of mouth In job search, 65% of job seekers find work through word of mouth

11 Word of mouth (Cont.) What do we mean by “word of mouth”? Making sure that people you know are aware that you are looking for a specific type of work placement. asking them to let you know if they Hear of any opportunities and Can give you contact details of someone to approach

12 Word of mouth (Cont.) Ask people questions about the organizations they work for, who else they know and who you could approach with your CV and cover letter.

13 Developing your network and building contacts Start with friends and family Who do those people know who might be able to help you with information- people you nearly know? Join a professional institute as a student member. E.g.

14 Online Networking Use on-line social networking sites. See suggestions and guidelines on the University Careers websites: DES/social_networking.pdf DES/social_networking.pdf

15 Volunteering Local volunteer centres Not-for-profit organization

16 Tips Plan ahead and make time for placement search- months in advance, not a couple of weeks. Be tenacious- most work placement and job search involves rejection. Keep going! Be reflective and adaptable- if one approach isn’t working, try something else. Keep thinking, reviewing and learning.

17 Preparing for interview advice.aspx Visit the following site:

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