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Student Curtui Madalina Cristina, MG, an VI University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures Coordinator: Dr.Neagos Adriana, MD.PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Curtui Madalina Cristina, MG, an VI University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures Coordinator: Dr.Neagos Adriana, MD.PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Curtui Madalina Cristina, MG, an VI University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu Mures Coordinator: Dr.Neagos Adriana, MD.PhD

2  Reccurent episodes (>5/h) of partial or complete upper airway collapse during sleep, despite the inspiratory efforts.  Oxygen saturation decreases  CO 2 partial pressure increases  Disrupted sleep-cortical arousals

3 Definiton 2.  Obstructive Sleep apnea – episodes of disruption of the airflow in the upper airway during sleep, for more than 10 seconds and with a frequency of 10 or more/hour of sleep.  Hypopnea-episodes of reduction with 50% of the airflow in the upper airway for more than 10 seconds and a desaturation bigger than 3% that may end with an arousal.

4 Definition 3  Apnea-Hypopnea Index(AHI)=the numbers of apnea-hypopnea/hour of sleep  Respiratory disturbance index(RDI)= (RERAs+hypopneas+apneas)x60/TST RERA-respiratory effort related arousals TST-total sleep time

5  Daytime sleepiness  Fatigue  Impaired concentration  Memory disorders  Irritability  Diminished libido  Erectile dysfunction

6 OSAHS Simptoms and signs Medical history, risk factors ENT, EFR, SaO 2 Stanford Sleepiness Scale Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Confirmation CPAP therapy Polysomnography


8 The Polysomnograph Somnoscreen

9 The aim of this study is to analyze the implications of the RDI and the number of desaturation in the evaluation of patients with OSAHS, and to demonstrate if there is a correlation between these indices and the apnea hypopnea index.

10  We performed a descriptive, collective, correlational study using the Spearman test on 151 patients of the Galenus Clinic from Targu Mures, between the years of 2006- 2013.

11 Results  The 151 patients were classified into 4 groups according to the apnea-hypopnea index, the index that helps us evaluate the severity of the apnea.  AHI<=10 –Snoring group  10<AHI<=30-Mild apnea  30<AHI<=50-Moderate apnea  AHI>50-Severe apnea

12 Results Snoring group- 51 pacients-27.45% females -72.55% males Average -age= 44 years old -BMI=29.06 -AHI=4.17 -RDI=13.79 -Nr of desat.=51.82 Mild apnea group – 34 pacients -8,84% females -91,48% males Average –age=46 years old -BMI=31,35 -AHI=20,25 -RDI=31,23 -Nr. of desat.=109

13 Results Moderate apnea group- 25 pacients -8% females -92% males Average -age=45 years old -BMI=31,55 -AHI=38,43 -RDI=47,61 -Nr. Of desat.=192,2 Severe apnea group- 41 pacients-14,63% females -85,37% males Average-age=44 years old -BMI=35,55 -AHI=71,42 -RDI=77,76 -Nr. of desat.=230,2

14  The correlation between the RDI and the number of desaturation was significant(p=0,0039) for the snoring and severe apnea groups and nonsignificant(p=0,71) for the other two.

15  The correlation between the AHI and RDI was significant(p=0,0085) for all the groups.

16  The cardiorespiratoy polysomnography is an important tool for the diagnosis and the evaluation of patients with OSAHS. It is important to treat these patient’s comorbidities and to improve their quality of sleep because the clinical consequences are affecting their lives.


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