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Diana Cason Bakersfield College. What is SQ3R? 0 A five step technique for reading and studying textbook material SurveyQuestionReadReciteReview.

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Presentation on theme: "Diana Cason Bakersfield College. What is SQ3R? 0 A five step technique for reading and studying textbook material SurveyQuestionReadReciteReview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diana Cason Bakersfield College

2 What is SQ3R? 0 A five step technique for reading and studying textbook material SurveyQuestionReadReciteReview

3 Why use SQ3R? 0 Maximizes your reading and saves time 0 Helps you determine what you need to know 0 Increases comprehension 0 Helps with recall of material 0 Helps with test-preparation

4 Survey 0 Simply look over (“preview”) the chapter 0 Look at the following: 0 Chapter title, headings, and subheadings 0 Illustrations and their captions 0 Key terms and their definitions 0 Review questions 0 And read the following 0 Chapter objectives or goals 0 Introduction 0 Chapter summary

5 Question 0 Turn the title, headings and subheadings into open- ended (reporter) questions. 0 Who 0 What 0 Why 0 How 0 Creates interest 0 Helps maintain focus 0 Let’s practice! (Ex. 6 pg. 10-11 MR)

6 Read Actively 0 Look for answers to questions. 0 Annotate (mark) the text. 0 Write thoughts in margins 0 Highlight 0 Underline 0 Reread parts that are unclear.

7 Example of an Annotated Text

8 Recite 0 Checks for comprehension. 0 Paraphrase/summarize the text. 0 Put the information in your own words. 0 Include the main idea and supporting details. 0 Explain the material to someone else or discuss it with classmates. 0 Write notes (in book or notebook)/Cornell Notes. 0 Create flashcards, concept/mind maps, or outlines.

9 Concept/Mind Maps Main Idea Major Detail Minor Detail Major Detail Minor Detail

10 Review 0 Research shows that as much as 40-50% of what we read is forgotten after 15 minutes. 0 Regular, ongoing review aids with retention.

11 Review 0 Review your notes as often as possible: 0 immediately after you’ve taken them 0 before going to class 0 before reading the next chapter 0 before tests 0 Write down any questions that you still have about the material.

12 The Forgetting Curve

13 SQ4R 0 SQ4R is just SQ3R with an additional step. 0 The fourth “R” stands for either “reflect.” 0 Reflecting involves making connections. 0 Between old information and new information 0 Between information learned in various courses 0 Thinking about how new information relates to your personal experience

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