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SNP made simple. “Always make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein.

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Presentation on theme: "SNP made simple. “Always make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 SNP made simple

2 “Always make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Albert Einstein

3 From pedagogy to teacher change Louise Addison Year 1 training Feb 2009

4 “My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint.” Erna Bombeck

5 Overview of today Forces for and against change. Data, data, data. Data, data. Show don’t tell. –Part 1 - Workshop model –Part 2 - Explore issues with instrumental understanding Modelling the model. Link to future goals / algebra.

6 Forcefield analysis Use the arrows provided to analyse the reasons you think teachers will or will not change…

7 Theme 1: Data, data, data. Data, data

8 Exploring data 1 Look at your class data Compare to school wide data Compare to national expectations Strengths Weaknesses Surprises I notice / I wonder

9 Exploring data 2 What do numbers mean? –Refer to framework –Refer to student profile What does a “555” student: –Know –Understand –Do Link to curriculum AOs About fractions

10 Other data Interviews Class situations Strengths Weaknesses Surprises I noticed / I wondered

11 Question analysis Which questions did students get wrong? What were the incorrect answers?

12 Teacher data Relational Answer Possible student answers Reasons for answers Possible teaching responses Link to Teaching Inquiry cycle

13 Fractions Workshop

14 Fraction starter p. 10 Book 7 One player is dots the other is crosses Number line from 0 to 6 Roll 2 dice and form a fraction, place this on number line (use materials if necessary) Aim is to get 3 marks uninterrupted by your opponent’s marks on the number line. If a player chooses a fraction that is equivalent to a mark that is already there they lose a turn.

15 5 views of fractions 3 over 73 : 7 3 out of 7 3 ÷ 7 3 sevenths

16 Implications for each… 3 pizzas are divided amongst 4 people. How much of a pizza does each person get?

17 How would each of the views solve this problem? of 42 3 over 7 3 : 7 3 out of 7 3 ÷ 7 3 sevenths

18 How would each of the views solve this problem? + 3 over 7 3 : 7 3 out of 7 3 ÷ 7 3 sevenths

19 How would each of the views solve this problem? 3 over 7 3 : 7 3 out of 7 3 ÷ 7 3 sevenths

20 How would each of the views solve this problem? of 3 over 7 3 : 7 3 out of 7 3 ÷ 7 3 sevenths

21 Key ideas of fractions

22 Fractional vocabulary One half One third One quarter Don’t know

23 Implications for teaching Use words (pattern and meaning needs to be taught) Always refer to the ‘whole’ Modelling with covered unifix cubes This needs to be understood before decimal fractions can be taught

24 Where to from here… Fraction diagnostic questions Analysis sheets

25 Instrumental vs Relational Understanding 10 662 have watched this video…

26 Modelling Complete teaching model sheet Write down 5 things they noticed students did and 5 things they wondered Write down 5 things they noticed teacher did and 5 things they wondered

27 Link to the future NCEA Analysis Algebra Level 2

28 Aspects of change - national instep project reject/ignore misconstrue continue current practice believing it to be the new practice select parts and adapt to current practice implement as required actively engage and change practice substantively How will you know???

29 The blob tree from “Games without frontiers” Where do you sit? Where do your teachers sit? Given this, what might work for the teachers in your department… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

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