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C++ Review Some things you’re supposed to know. Your Background n Should have CSC 226/227 or equivalent  selection commands: if, switch  repetition.

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Presentation on theme: "C++ Review Some things you’re supposed to know. Your Background n Should have CSC 226/227 or equivalent  selection commands: if, switch  repetition."— Presentation transcript:

1 C++ Review Some things you’re supposed to know

2 Your Background n Should have CSC 226/227 or equivalent  selection commands: if, switch  repetition commands: while, for, do-while  writing & using functions  arrays & structs (also typedef)  writing & using classes n Experience with a C++ IDE  Visual Studio.NET is what we’ll be using

3 Review Material n File I/O  End-of-file loop control n Reference parameters  passing streams to functions n C++ string variables n Structured types n Classes

4 Using Files n #include n #include  has required definitions n Each file requires a separate stream  just as cin and cout are streams n Each file stream either input or output  just like cin and cout n Each file stream is a variable

5 Streams vs. Files n Different things = different names  file name  stream name Input File Output File Program Input File Stream Output File Stream DATAIN.TXTDATAOUT.TXT fin fout MYPROG.EXE

6 Declaring File Streams n Input stream  ifstream fileVariable; n Output stream  ofstream fileVariable; n Creates streams—still need to “attach” a file “fileName”);  fileVariable.close();when you’re done

7 File Open Errors n A file may not exist when we open it  output file OK – it will be created  input file problem – no file to attach to n May not have create privileges in a folder  output file can’t be created = error n Error = Stream enters fail state  and then ignores all commands on that stream

8 Checking for Fail State n Streams can be treated as booleans  stream is in a fail state = false  stream not in a fail state = true n After opening a file, ask if it’s false  false = fail state = error opening n“MayExist.TXT”); if (!inStream) …

9 Opening and Testing a File ifstream fin;“SomeFile.TXT”); if (!fin) { cout << “Couldn’t open SomeFile.TXT\n” << “Exiting program.\n”; exit(1);}

10 EOF Controlled Loops n If we want to read all the data in a file… n …we just read until the stream fails while (inStream) … n Can’t read anything more from that stream  that’s OK – we wanted to read everything, and now we have  just inStream.close() and you’re done with it

11 Example: File Length int count = 0; char ch; infile.get(ch); while (infile) {count++;infile.get(ch);}infile.close(); Note:End-of-File controlled loop runs until file is done initialization (priming read) test (for input failure) processing update (read next)

12 Priming Read & Update n Can combine n Read returns stream n Test read command  failed read = false  OK read = true n Also OK:  while (infile >> n) int count = 0; char ch; while (infile.get(ch)) {count++;}infile.close();

13 Functions That Read n Can use a function to read into a variable n Need a reference parameter  passing a variable instead of a value n Value parameter  void DoThis(int n); n Reference parameter  void ReadThis(int& n);

14 Reference Parameter n AKA “pass-by-address” n Parameter address gets sent down  the variable itself, not just its value n Change parameter = change argument  parameter = in the called function  argument = in the calling function

15 Data Flow n Data goes into the function  Value parameters n Data comes out of the function  Reference parameters n Some parameters carry data both ways  Reference parameters

16 In-Out Parameters n Passes information in and out void Swap(int& first, int& second); int m = 10; int n = 5; cout << “m = ” << m << “, n = ” << n << endl; Swap(m, n); cout << “m = ” << m << “, n = ” << n << endl; m = 10, n = 5 m = 5, n = 10

17 Swap Function void Swap(int& first, int& second) { int temp = first; first = second; second = temp; }

18 Documenting Data Flow n /* in */, /* out */ and /* inout */ void ReadNumLines( /* out */ int& numLines ) void PrintLine( /* in */int numLines ) void DoThis(/* in */intstart, /* inout */int&finish, /* out */bool&errorFlag )

19 File Stream Parameters n Can pass file streams to functions  usually pass them after they’re opened/OK  usually don’t close them n Use reference parameters (pass-by-address)  the streams change when you use them void make_neat(ifstream& messy, ofstream& neat);

20 Neatening Files ifstream fin(“Messy.txt”); ofstream fout(“Neat.txt”); if (!fin || !fout) { cout << “Could not open files” << endl; exit(1);} make_neat(fin, fout); fin.close();fout.close();

21 Using File Stream Parameters n Used just like other file stream variables void make_neat(/* inout */ ifstream& messy, /* inout */ ofstream& neat) {neat.setf(ios::fixed);neat.setf(ios::showpoint);neat.precision(5); // … continued …

22 Using File Stream Parameters // … continued … double x; while (messy >> x) { neat << setw(10) << x << endl; }} Note:End-of-File controlled loop runs until file is done

23 Reading File Names n Above uses “hard-coded” file names n Would like to ask user for file name n Need a string variable  can use C strings or C++ strings  C++ strings easier to use…  … needs a C string  Can convert C++ string to C string

24 String Class n Need to include string library #include #include string str1; string str2(“This is a string”); n Can do assignment using = str1 = str2;// now str1 == “This is a string”

25 C Strings v. C++ Strings n C strings are character arrays  char* or char[] n Need special functions to assign, compare  strcpy(dst, src); if (strcmp(s1, s2) < 0) … n C++ strings are objects  can use usual operations on them  dst = src; if (s1 < s2) …  convert to C string using.c_str()

26 Sample With File Name Input string fileName; cout << “What file should I use?” << endl; cin >> fileName; cin.ignore(100, ‘\n’); ifstream fin(fileName.c_str()); // needs C string if (!fin) { cout << “Could not open ” << fileName; exit(1);}

27 String Parameters n Can also pass strings to functions  NOTICE: the string is the file name  IMPORTANT: the string is not the file  IMPORTANT: the string is not the stream n Pass by reference  saves copying the string itself n Mark as const if it’s not to be changed  to prevent accidental changes

28 Process a File Function void ProcessFile(/* in */ const string& fileName) { // create, open & test stream – close when done ifstream fin(fileName.c_str()); if (!fin) // exit or return as appropriate // file processing goes here fin.close();}

29 Input & Output on Strings n Just like for C-style strings cin >> str1; cout << “You entered ” << str1 << endl; n One word at a time for input  skips whitespace; reads non-whitespace; stops at whitespace; n Use getline if you want to read a line  reads to end of line & gets rid of ‘\n’ character

30 getline Function not a Member n Need to specify both input stream and string getline(cin, str1); n Input stream can be either cin or file stream getline(inFile, str1); n Optional third argument is terminator getline(cin, str1, ‘.’);  default terminator is ‘\n’

31 getline Problems n Visual C++ 6 had trouble with getline(cin, …)  needs one character after the ‘\n’  doesn’t do anything with it, but it must be there  sometimes get weird behaviour (won’t prompt for next file until press ENTER twice, e.g.) n Works fine with files, and has been fixed in Visual Studio.NET

32 Records (C++ Structs) n For “lumping” information together struct Student { long stuNum; long stuNum; int pctGrade; int pctGrade; char letterGrade; char letterGrade; string name; string name;}; A type for Students NOT a variable

33 Record Variables n Once declared, it’s just another data type  can declare variables of that type  including array variables Student joe; Student sally; Student classList[100]; An array of 100 Students

34 Student Record n “Bundle” of information about a student 9799999 95 A Addams, Wednesday 9822222 92 A Cardew, Cecily 9811111 53 D Bravo, Johnny Student Number Percent Grade Letter Grade Name

35 Note on Component Types n They don’t have to be different n They just don’t have to be the same struct Date { int year; int month; int month; int day; }; int day; }; struct Customer { long number; char name[31]; char name[31]; double balance; }; double balance; };

36 Initializing a Record Variable n Values can be set at declaration: Student stu = { 2877665, 76, 76, ‘B’, ‘B’, “Wooster, Bertie” }; “Wooster, Bertie” }; Date births[] = {{ 1974, 10, 4}, { 1977, 1, 23}, { 1977, 1, 23}, { 1979, 2, 6}, { 1979, 2, 6}, { 1981, 8, 4}}; { 1981, 8, 4}};

37 Picking Out The Components n To talk about them  varName.fieldName  arrName[i].fieldName n Examples: cout << someStu.stuNum; cout << someStu.stuNum; cout << stuList[4].name; cout << stuList[4].name; n General syntax: structName.fieldName

38 Pointed-at Components n When you have a pointer to a struct…  Student* stu; n …need to either use parentheses…  (*stu).name n …or arrow  stu->name

39 Prototypes & Headings n A “best practice” is to always pass structs by reference  and use CONST for “in” parameters void DoStuff(const Student& s); void DoMore(Student& s);

40 Example Function void ReadStudent( /* out */ Student& s ) { cout >> “Enter student number: ”; cout >> “Enter student number: ”; cin >> s.stuNum; cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cin >> s.stuNum; cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cout << endl << “Student’s name: ”; cout << endl << “Student’s name: ”; cin.get(, 40); cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cin.get(, 40); cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cout << endl << “Student’s grade: ”; cout << endl << “Student’s grade: ”; cin >> s.pctGrade; cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cin >> s.pctGrade; cin.ignore(10, ’\n’); cout << endl; cout << endl; s.letterGrade = PctToLetter(s.pctGrade); s.letterGrade = PctToLetter(s.pctGrade);}

41 Structures & Functions n Many functions will use the structures n Some function are basic to the structure  reading a value  printing a value  changing a field n These should be “bundled” with the fields n Use class instead of struct for that

42 Structs to Classes n Classes very much like structs class CIntList100 {...... private: private: int data[100]; int data[100]; int length; int length;}; CIntList100 list; class instead of struct keyword private: more differences later

43 Member Functions n Also go in the class definition n One per operation allowed n Access specifier is “public:”... that other functions can use them

44 Class with Member Functions class CIntList100 { public: void Read(); void AddItem(int); void AddItem(int); void RemoveItem(int); void RemoveItem(int); void Write(); void Write(); bool Contains(int); bool Contains(int); bool IsEmpty(); bool IsEmpty(); int Length(); int Length(); private: int data[100]; private: int data[100]; int length; int length;}

45 “Missing” Parameter n Member functions belong to objects class CIntList100 { public: void Read(); …}; CIntList100 list; n list object has Read function as a member  calling that Read will Read that list  list.Read();

46 Calling Member Functions n Use component selection to get function  CIntList100 list;  list.AddItem(10); n For pointed-at objects, use arrow  CIntList100* listPtr;  …  listPtr->AddItem(10);

47 Operation Types class CIntList100 { public: void Read(); // transformer void Read(); // transformer void AddItem(int); // transformer void AddItem(int); // transformer void RemoveItem(int); // transformer void RemoveItem(int); // transformer void Write(); // observer void Write(); // observer bool Contains(int); // observer bool Contains(int); // observer bool IsEmpty(); // observer bool IsEmpty(); // observer int Length(); // observer int Length(); // observer......

48 Operation Types and Parameters n Transformer functions correspond to out or inout parameters void Read(IntList100&); => void Read(); // transformer n Observer functions correspond to in parameters void Contains(const IntList100&, int); => void Contains( int ); // observer

49 Marking Observer Operations class CIntList100 { public: // transformers // transformers void Read(); void Read();...... // observers // observers void Write() const; void Write() const; bool Contains(int) const; bool Contains(int) const; bool IsEmpty() const; bool IsEmpty() const; int Length() const; int Length() const;......} const reserved word – prevents changes to object – documents function as an observer

50 Constructors & Destructors n Classes also have constructors  function that gets called when object is created  initializes the fields n and destructors  function called when objects are destroyed  makes sure no memory leak

51 Constructors & Destructors class CIntList100 { public: // constructors // constructors CIntList100(); CIntList100(); CIntList100(int initialElement); CIntList100(int initialElement); // destructor // destructor ~CIntList100(); ~CIntList100();......}

52 Using Classes n Classes are usually split into two parts n Declaration = Interface  says what it is & what it can do n Definition = Implementation  says how it does it n Client doesn’t need to see the latter but does need to see the former

53 Sample Classes n Menu  text-based menu class  for console programs n TextItems  for outputting large text blocks  initialized from a file  parts of file output as required

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