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Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555.

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2 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555

3 Category 1 : 1  Question: What is the transfer of heat in the atmosphere by the upward motion of air?  Answer: convection Back to the Board

4 Category 1 : 2  Question: What is a periodic climatic change that causes the waters off the west coast of South America to warm?  Answer: El Nino Back to the Board

5 Category 1 : 3  Question: What is the name for the warming trend that occurs when gases in the atmosphere trap solar energy?  Answer: greenhouse effect Back to the Board

6 Category 1 : 4  Question: What are the 2 most significant factors in defining different climates?  Answer: temperature and precipitation Back to the Board

7 Category 1 : 5  Question: What is the total of knowledge, shared attitudes, and behaviors of the members of a specific group of people?  Answer: culture Back to the Board

8 Category 2 : 1  Question: What term describes the spread of ideas and customs from one society to another?  Answer: diffusion Back to the Board

9 Category 2 : 2  Question: What is it called when members of one society decide to adopt a custom that they observe in another society?  Answer: acculturation Back to the Board

10 Category 2 : 3  Question: What is the name for a religion that involves the belief in many gods?  Answer: Polytheistic Back to the Board

11 Category 2 : 4  Question: What is a version of a language that includes changes related to class, region, or other cultural changes called?  Answer: a dialect Back to the Board

12 Category 2 : 5  Question: What is the type of government where a king, queen, or ruling family holds political power?  Answer: Monarchy Back to the Board

13 Category 3 : 1  Question: What type of government allows citizens, or their elected representatives, to hold all political power?  Answer: Democracy Back to the Board

14 Category 3 : 2  Question: What is the name for a group of people with a common culture living in a specific location?  Answer: Nation Back to the Board

15 Category 3 : 3  Question: What type of government holds all or nearly all of the political power and means of production?  Answer: Communist Back to the Board

16 Category 3 : 4  Question: What term describes an independent unit occupying a specific area and controlling its internal and external affairs?  Answer: state Back to the Board

17 Category 3 : 5  Question: What term describes a city, along with its suburbs and exurbs?  Answer: a metropolitan area Back to the Board

18 Category 4 : 1  Question: What term describes the dramatic rise in the number of cities and the resultant lifestyle changes?  Answer: Urbanization Back to the Board

19 Category 4 : 2  Question: What mountains are being compared in the following: Mountain 1 is about 80 million years old and rise much higher than Mountain 2.  Answer: Mountain 1: Rockies Mountain 2: Appalachians Back to the Board

20 Category 4 : 3  Question: Name 2 of the 3 lanforms not shared by the US and Canada.  Answer: GulfAtlantic coastal plain, Piedmont, and Interior Highlands Back to the Board

21 Category 4 : 4  Question: What route in the US and Canada is one of the world’s most important shipping routes?  Answer: Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Back to the Board

22 Category 4 : 5  Question: What is the key feature of a representative democracy?  Answer: people elect officials to represent them Back to the Board

23 Category 5 : 1  Question: What is the name for corporations that are involved in business worldwide?  Answer: multinationals Back to the Board

24 Category 5 : 2  Question: What field do most Americans work in. It includes jobs like info processing, finance, and medicine.  Answer: Service Industry Back to the Board

25 Category 5 : 3  Question: What is the term for a region that includes several large cities, their suburbs, and nearby towns?  Answer: Megalopolis Back to the Board

26 Category 5 : 4  Question: What is the name for an economy that no longer relies on manufacturing for its income?  Answer: postindustrial economy Back to the Board

27 Category 5 : 5  Question: What kind of industry are most Canadians employed in?  Answer: Service Back to the Board

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