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And the PageObject Design Model.  How Selenium Remote Control works  You launch a server on your test machine.  Your tests connect to that server via.

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Presentation on theme: "And the PageObject Design Model.  How Selenium Remote Control works  You launch a server on your test machine.  Your tests connect to that server via."— Presentation transcript:

1 and the PageObject Design Model

2  How Selenium Remote Control works  You launch a server on your test machine.  Your tests connect to that server via IP.  The server launches a browser, with selenium CORE embedded as javascript into the page.  Selenium CORE simulates user actions with javascript.

3 THE GOOD THE BAD  Doesn’t steal your mouse/keyboard.  Works with any browser that uses javascript  Works for any OS that supports java.  Very fast page interactions.  Large API  Supports a variety of programming languages.  Can be run on remote machines  Can’t see anything outside the page object.  Not all browsers support all functionality.  Some pages aren’t automatable.  Can’t see inside third party apps  XSS Limitations

4  A different way of automating the browser.  Create a browser-specific driver to control the browser directly.  Have to do this for each browser!  Object oriented API  Doesn’t need a real browser  No javascript limitations  No need for a server.  Isn’t as delicate as selenium.

5  Went into Beta Dec 24 th.  WebDriver + Selenium  The two projects have merged (literally) into Selenium 2.0  Large browser support and no javascript limitations.  No server  The old API’s are still available.  New API’s are becoming available.

6  You have 2 options:  IWebDriver  This is just the WebDriver api  Doesn’t support a lot of browsers.  Will need to change all your tests.  WebDriverBackedSelenium  Uses the old Selenium 1 API  But uses WebDriver to run things if possible  Can use selenium 1 if the browser isn’t supported.

7  Object Oriented  Doesn’t break nearly as often  Handles pageloads automatically  Fewer problems automating  Somewhat more complicated API  selenium.type(“password”,”thisIsMyPassword”);  driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys(“thisIsMyPassword");  By.Id, By.Xpath, By.Name, By.ClassName, By.PartialLinkText  All the supported browsers work really well  Can extend the API to add custom functionality.  Works well with a Page Object design model.

8  Adds a layer of abstraction into your code.  Helps to organize your code once it grows large.  All automation is automatically reusable and shareable.  A way to separate tests from re-usable functions.  A way to store information about how the system works.  A way to specify what page functions start on, and what page they end on.  A way to programmatically break your tests when functionality changes.  Makes code maintenance easier.  There is even a PageFactory class available to automatically create them.

9  Each page is defined as it’s own class.  Actions (including navigation) are represented as functions for a class.  Each function returns a new Page object, signifying what page the actions stops on.  Your tests “know” what page you are on, and will only give you access to functions available to that class.  Tests only talk to the page objects.  Page objects only talk to the driver.  Elements on the page are stored as variables for the page object.  Automatic page validations can be stored in the constructor for each page object.  Tests become a string of well defined functions, not meaningless gibberish.  Tests can be grouped by namespace.  Class Inheritance can be used to define functionality to a set of pages.  We can make functional logic transparent to the tests by returning different inherited classes.

10 globalVars.logDescription = "log in"; globalVars.selenium.Open(globalVars.mobiUrl); functions.type("userId", globalVars.studName + "1"); functions.type("password", globalVars.studPass + "1"); functions.clickAndWait("signInBtn");"//a[@id='discussions']/span");"//a[@id='thingsToKnow']/span"); globalVars.logDescription = "Checking elements on happenings:by date page"; selenium.waitForElementNotVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='ajaxLoadingHeader']"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='TTHContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='TTHContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); globalVars.selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things Happening Soon"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); globalVars.selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things That Happened");

11 [Test] public void testByDateTab() { funtions.loginMobi();"//a[@id='discussions']/span");"//a[@id='thingsToKnow']/span"); functions.verifyThingsToKnow(); functions.verifyThingsHappeningSoon(); selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things That Happened"); functions.verifyThingsThatHappened(); }

12 [Test] public void testByDateTab() { selenium.Open(Moby_Common.MobyLoginUrl); LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(selenium); HappeningsPage happeningsPage = loginPage.loginAs(Common.stud1Name, Common.stud1Password); happeningsPage.waitToLoad(); Assert.That(!happeningsPage.isByTypePageLoaded()); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isByDatePageLoaded()); Assert.That(!happeningsPage.isByCoursePageLoaded()); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter","Things That Happened"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("TTHContainer")); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter", "Things Happening Soon"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("THSContainer")); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter", "All Types"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("TTHContainer")); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("THSContainer")); }

13 public class HappeningsPage : WebPageBaseClass { private string _loadingImage = "//span[@class='ajaxLoadingHeader']"; private string _moreLink = "more"; public HappeningsPage(ISelenium selenium) { this.selenium = selenium; this.title = "Happenings"; this.url = "index.html"; assertPageLoadedCorrectly(); } public HappeningsPage waitToLoad() { waitForElementNotVisible(_loadingImage ); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); } public ContentItemPage goToItem(string type, string name) { click("//div[@id='" + type + "']//span[text()=\"" + name + "\"]"); return new ContentItemPage(selenium); } public HappeningsPage clickMoreLink() { click(_moreLink); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); } public HappeningsPage filterResults(string id, string name) { selectDropdown(id, name); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); }


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