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Presentation on theme: "BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE WELCOME TO MANURE MANAGEMENT JEOPARDY! Sections 2 and 3 Nutrient Management Regulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERS IN ANIMAL AGRICULTURE WELCOME TO MANURE MANAGEMENT JEOPARDY! Sections 2 and 3 Nutrient Management Regulations Effect of Nutrients on Ground and Surface Water Building Environmental Leaders in Animal Agriculture (BELAA) was funded by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under award #2009-49400-05871

2 Federal and State Regulations 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 100 300 200 400 500 State Agency Involvement Nitrates in Groundwater Phosphorous in Surface Water Manure Management

3 All nutrient management plans must meet this standard. Answer Federal and State Regulations for 100

4 What is the 590 nutrient management standard? Back to the Game Board 3 Federal and State Regulations for 100

5 The 590 standard regulates these which can be applied to cropland. Answer Federal and State Regulations for 200

6 What are nutrients? Back to the Game Board Federal and State Regulations for 200

7 Two purposes of the 590 standard. Answer Federal and State Regulations for 300

8 What are: To budget, supply, and conserve nutrients for plant production. To minimize agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater resources. To properly utilize manure or organic by-products as a plant nutrient source. To protect air quality by reducing odors, nitrogen emissions (ammonia, oxides of nitrogen), and the formation of atmospheric particulates. To maintain or improve the physical, chemical, and biological condition of soil. Back to the Game Board Federal and State Regulations for 300

9 Nutrient management regulations are in place to protect environmentally sensitive areas from these two things. Answer Federal and State Regulations for 400

10 What are manure and nutrient runoff? Back to the Gameboard Federal and State Regulations for 400

11 A nutrient management plan helps a farmer with this type of image. Answer Federal and State Regulations for 500

12 What is a good public image? Back to the Game Board Federal and State Regulations for 500

13 Answer State Agency Involvement for 100 Number of animal units which generally triggers the need for a special permit

14 Back to the Game Board State Agency Involvement for 100 What is 1000?

15 Most farms needing a special permit will work with this agency to obtain the permit Answer State Agency Involvement for 200

16 Who is the Department of Natural Resources? Back to the Game Board State Agency Involvement for 200

17 A farm failing to manage its manure properly may receive one of these Answer State Agency Involvement for 300

18 What is a Notice of Discharge? Back to the Game Board State Agency Involvement for 300

19 Water bodies that do not meet water quality standards set by the state Answer State Agency Involvement for 400

20 What are impaired waters (water bodies, 303d list)? Back to the Game Board State Agency Involvement for 400

21 Federal agency overseeing manure and nutrient management regulations Answer State Agency Involvement for 500

22 Who is the Environmental Protection Agency? Back to the Game Board State Agency Involvement for 500

23 This nutrient is the most common contaminant in groundwater for human consumption Answer Nitrates in Groundwater for 100

24 What is nitrate from nitrogen? Back to the Game Board Nitrates in Groundwater for 100

25 A condition of depleted oxygen from nitrogen runoff affecting the Gulf of Mexico Answer Nitrates in Groundwater for 200

26 What is Hypoxia? Back to the Game Board Nitrates in Groundwater for 200

27 Human condition in infants where nitrite depletes oxygen in the blood Answer Nitrates in Groundwater for 300

28 What is blue baby syndrome? Back to the Game Board Nitrates in Groundwater for 300

29 Process where nitrogen is lost through the soil profile to groundwater Answer Nitrates in Groundwater for 400

30 What is leaching? Back to the Game Board Nitrates in Groundwater for 400

31 Farmers can manage the amount of nitrogen they receive from these three sources Answer Nitrates in Groundwater for 500

32 What are commercial fertilizer, legumes, and manure? Back to the Game Board Nitrates in Groundwater for 500

33 Phosphorous encourages growth of these in surface waters Answer Phosphorous in Surface water for 100

34 What are algae and nuisance weeds? Back to the Game Board Phosphorous in Surface water for 100

35 This is reduced in surface waters when nutrients are in excess Answer Phosphorous in Surface water for 200

36 What is oxygen? Back to the Game Board Phosphorous in Surface water for 200

37 The amount of phosphorous available the first year after application of manure Answer Phosphorous in Surface water for 300

38 What is 55%? Back to the Game Board Phosphorous in Surface water for 300

39 This determines the current levels of phosphorous in the soil Answer Phosphorous in Surface water for 400

40 What is a soil test? Back to the Game Board Phosphorous in Surface water for 400

41 When planning a manure application, the combination of these two things can ensure proper fertilization of phosphorous Answer Phosphorous in Surface water for 500

42 What are soil tests and realistic yield goals? Back to the Game Board Phosphorous in Surface water for 500

43 Answer Manure Management for 100 Best management practice to reduce risk of phosphorous moving to surface waters

44 Back to the Gameboard Manure Management for 100 What is avoiding application of manure to frozen soils?

45 Most phosphorous is lost from the field in these Answer Manure Management for 200

46 What are eroded soil particles? Back to the Game Board Manure Management for 200

47 Three factors influence the amount of phosphorous lost in runoff (name one) Answer Manure Management for 300

48 What are: Time and amount of winter precipitation Depth of snow Spring freeze/thaw pattern Back to the Game Board Manure Management for 300

49 Where most of the phosphorous in surface water comes from Answer Manure Management for 400

50 What is soil particles and organic matter? Back to the Gameboard Manure Management for 400

51 A practice such as buffer strips to minimize soil loss and runoff is an example of this Answer Manure Management for 500

52 What is soil erosion control? Back to the Game Board Manure Management for 500


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