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Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Bernard Jamet, Head Technology Transfer, Division of Technology,

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Bernard Jamet, Head Technology Transfer, Division of Technology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Bernard Jamet, Head Technology Transfer, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, UNEP-Paris IV Seminario de Eficiencia Energética en América Latina y el Caribe Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, 3-4 August 2011 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Climate Change and Technology Transfer

2 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway REGATTA o A UNEP initiative funded by the governments of Spain and Norway o Officially launched at the RIOCC Meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay, 21-23 September, 2010 o First roundtable took place in Panama City, Panama – 27-28 April, 2011

3 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Regional platform for coordination, partnership and exchange supporting LAC countries to jointly address CC adaptation and mitigation REGATTA is based on the principles of: o Demand-driven support o Open participation o Promote mitigation/adaptation synergies o Use and strenghten existing regional capacities o Flexibility to respond to changing needs What is REGATTA?

4 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Not just another regional CC network… In LAC and there are more than a dozen existing CC networks, REGATTA therefore aims to be a tool to improve the impact and efficiency of existing and future CC networks and initiatives through: o Identifying and promoting synergies and collaboration; o Identifying needs and filling remaining gaps; o Identifying and promoting regional CC leaders (experts, centres, organizations, networks, initiatives).

5 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway Climate Change and Energy Efficiency o By 2030 EE&C could save 7.1 gigatonnes of CO2 emissions and Clean energy sources would save about 6.6 gigatonnes (IEA) - Energy efficiency measures are cheaper, cleaner and faster to install than any other energy options o Economic growth is compatible with energy decoupling and decarbonization, which also offers major co-benefits (e.g. Brazil) o Many proven technologies, techniques and methods exist and could rapidly be deployed o Private sector from the North and the South has major interests in getting involved (reducing CO2 footprint, production cost savings, seizing new market opportunities) o There are major gains to be obtained from making an early start on decarbonization in terms of the availability of international financing and access to cleaner technologies (UNFCCC negotiations and Clean Energy Ministerial, July 2010)

6 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway REGATTA and Energy Efficiency Working in partnership with other organizations, networks and initiatives REGATTA will: o Encourage inter-sectoral coordination for low carbon development fostering dialogue, synergies and coordination between the national CC offices and the actors from the energy sector o Encourage them to act jointly on Climate Change mitigation o Better link the national energy activities to serve the climate agenda and vice-versa o Linking energy and CC agendas will also support countries in channeling climate funds to EE

7 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway IV Seminario de Eficiencia Energética en América Latina y el Caribe Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, 3-4 August 2011 ¡Gracias! Bernard Jamet, Head Technology Transfer, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, UNEP-Paris Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action - REGATTA

8 Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action REGATTA Government of Norway REGATTA and Red LAC-EE (1) Strong interest and potential for partnership and collaboration o UNEP-ICA partnerships (MoU, SEAN-CC, SWH) o UNEP-OLADE partnerships (SWH, LACCF, en.lighten) o EE and C major tool for CC mitigation

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