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Fantasy && Smart 吴航.  Some concepts  Differences between Lua & C++  Application.

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Presentation on theme: "Fantasy && Smart 吴航.  Some concepts  Differences between Lua & C++  Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fantasy && Smart 吴航

2  Some concepts  Differences between Lua & C++  Application

3  DEL + SOL (Sun) + Modula  A dynamic scripting language  An elegant language  A functional language  Easy to integrate with C++/Java(glue language)…  Efficient  Everything is a table  Platform-free  …

4 Lua Easy to integrate Elegant & Efficient & Platform- free Dynamic scripting (functional) language

5  Global variable  Variable assignment  a, b = 10, 2*x a=10; b=2*x  x, y = y, x -- swap 'x' for 'y' print(b)--> nil b = 10 print(b)--> 10 a dynamic scripting language Lua is a dynamic scripting language

6  nil 、 boolean 、 number ( refers to real instead of integer )、 string 、 userdata 、 function 、 table 、 thread 。 print(type("Hello world"))--> string print(type(10.4*3))--> number print(type(print)) --> function print(type(type))--> function print(type(a))--> nil ('a' is not initialized) a = 10 print(type(a))--> number a = print-- yes, this is valid! a(type(a))--> function

7  Automatically print("10" + 1)--> 11 print("10 + 1")--> 10 + 1 print("-5.3e - 10" * "2")--> -1.06e-09 print("hello" + 1)-- ERROR (cannot convert "hello") print(10.. 20)--> 1020

8  Powerful and smart a={…}  Index s = “-”; opnames = {["+"] = "add", ["-"] = "sub", ["*"] = "mul", ["/"] = "div"} print(opnames[s])--> sub  Traverse  days = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}  revDays = {}  for i,v in ipairs(days) do  revDays[v] = i  end

9  list = nil  for line in io.lines() do  list = {next=list, value=line}  end   l = list  while l do  print(l.value)  l =  end

10  Variable number of arguments  Anonymous function  Returning multiple return values of arbitrary type  High-order function

11  function g (a, b,...) end   CALLPARAMETERS   g(3)a=3, b=nil, arg={n=0}  g(3, 4)a=3, b=4, arg={n=0}  g(3, 4, 5, 8)a=3, b=4, arg={5, 8; n=2}

12  a = {p = print}  a.p("Hello World")--> Hello World  print = math.sin-- that’s ok!  a.p(print(1))--> 0.841470  sin = a.p  sin(10, 20)--> 10 20  foo = function (x) return 2*x end

13  s, e = string.find("hello Lua users", "Lua")  print(s, e)--> 79  Unpack()  f = string.find  a = {"hello", "ll"}  print(f(unpack(a)))--> 3 4

14  function f1(n) -- n is a local variable  local function f2()  print(n) – refers to upvalue  end  --[[ n = n + 10 ]]--  return f2  end   g1 = f1(1979)  g1() -- > 1979  g2 = f1(500)  g2() -- > 500

15  co = coroutine.create(function ()  print("hi")  end)   print(co)--> thread: 0x8071d98

16  Three states: suspended 、 running 、 dead  print(coroutine.status(co))--> suspended  coroutine.resume(co)--> hi  print(coroutine.status(co))--> dead

17  co = coroutine.create(function ()  for i=1,10 do  print("co", i)  coroutine.yield()  end  end)  coroutine.resume(co)--> co 1  print(coroutine.status(co))--> suspended  coroutine.resume(co)--> co 2  coroutine.resume(co)--> co 3 ...  coroutine.resume(co)--> co 10  coroutine.resume(co)-- prints nothing

18  function send (x)  coroutine.yield(x)  end  producer = coroutine.create( function ()  while true do  local x = produce new value  send(x)  end  end)  function receive ()  local status, value = coroutine.resume(producer)  return value  end  function consumer ()  while true do  local x = receive()-- receive from producer  io.write(x, "\n")-- consume new value  end

19  C--API  Design  Script

20  Wikipedia  Programming in Lua  


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