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The Contextual Questionnaires for the PISA for Development Study Options.

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Presentation on theme: "The Contextual Questionnaires for the PISA for Development Study Options."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Contextual Questionnaires for the PISA for Development Study Options

2 Parent Questionnaire Do we want a common parent questionnaire for PfD? Yes or No? If yes, should it be mandatory? Yes or No? Consider: implementation challenges and costs need for parent data to assess family literacy, employment, material possessions.

3 Teacher Questionnaire Do we want a common teacher questionnaire for PfD? Yes or No? If yes, should it be mandatory? Yes or No? Consider: implementation challenges and costs need for teacher data to assess administrative leadership If we include a TQ can we drop the SQ?

4 System Level Data Do we want a common core of items we ask countries to collect as part of their system-level information for PfD? Yes or No? If yes, should it be mandatory? Yes or No? Consider: implementation challenges vis-à-vis the data countries currently collect costs

5 Link measures to country-level data collection Do we want to attempt to link the PfD questionnaires to questionnaires used by participating countries? Yes or No? Consider: Costs Quality of questions

6 Quality of Instruction Should we attempt to develop some additional measures that attempt to measure so-called “high-yield instructional strategies? Yes or No? Consider: Difficult to achieve a consensus on what constitutes high yield strategies PISA measures the skills developed since birth, not simply those that have been affected by students’ current teachers Teacher quality is subject-specific There is a strong literature on high-yield strategies (e.g., Hattie’s book, Visible Learning).

7 Language of Instruction Should we attempt to develop some additional measures that capture language of instruction from primary to age 15? Yes or No? Consider: Difficult to collect retrospective data

8 Socioeconomic Status Should we attempt to develop a set of “poverty” or “education- related poverty” measures? Options;  Strive to adapt ESCS with additional items at the lower end  Do A for “material possessions” but in addition develop separate measures of parental literacy, employment status, and a set of proxies of possessions for material possessions associated with poverty.  Do A and B with attention to the data being collected by countries through their national household surveys.  Develop a set of core items, but plan on developing separate within-country measures of SES Consider: How far we can take B and C prior to data collection (e.g., analyses of SERCE or Prova Brazil data) Issues of DIF, within and between countries

9 School Infrastructure Should we attempt to develop a set of school infrastructure measures for the PfD school questionnaire? Options;  Rely on current PISA measures and system level data  Do a small set of questions that measure school infrastructure, learning places (e.g., labs, libraries), and pedagogical resources. Consider: The two-step problem – the availability of resources and the actual use of resources by teachers and students.

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