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Facts to Know: The Civil War and Reconstruction. Reconstruction Process of allowing the former Confederate states to rejoin the Union. Lasted from 1865.

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Presentation on theme: "Facts to Know: The Civil War and Reconstruction. Reconstruction Process of allowing the former Confederate states to rejoin the Union. Lasted from 1865."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facts to Know: The Civil War and Reconstruction

2 Reconstruction Process of allowing the former Confederate states to rejoin the Union. Lasted from 1865 to 1877.

3 Dividing Line between the North and South 1. Mason-Dixon Line

4 3, 4,5 Civil Rights Amendments (No Citizens Suffr!) 13 th Amendment – (No Slavery) slavery illegal 14 th Amendment – all people Citizens except Native Americans 15 th Amendment – S uffrage (right to vote) for African American men

5 6. Freedmen’s Bureau Helped the newly freed slaves and poor whites by providing food, clothing, education and jobs.

6 7. Black Codes Laws passed by southern states to limit the freedom of former slaves after the Civil War

7 8.Lincoln Assassinated Five days after the Civil War was over 1865 By John Wilks Booth – a southerner

8 9. President Andrew Johnson Impeached because some members of Congress did not like his Reconstruction ideas Not convicted

9 10. Carpetbaggers Northern republicans who had moved South after the war Some came to help but others got a bad reputation and were thought of as crooks

10 11. Scalawags white Southern Republicans who opposed the Democratic majority in the South

11 12. Ku Klux Klan 1866 a Secret society formed by white southern Protestants Opposed civil rights for African Americans

12 13. Segregation Forced separation of one group from another group

13 14. Jim Crow Laws Used in South to enforce segregatio n between whites and African Americans

14 15. End of Reconstruction 1877, 12 years after the end of the Civil War President Hayes, a Republican, removes federal troops from the southern states

15 16. Sharecropping African Americans and poor whites lived on an owner’s land and grew crops, which belonged to the owner

16 17. Poll Tax Money that had to be paid in the South in order to be able to vote

17 18. Buffalo Soldiers Free African Americans, former slaves, and former Civil War African American soldiers who served in the U.S. military

18 19. Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case in 1896 Segregation legal as long as facilities, such as schools, for Blacks and Whites were equal Facilities were not equal !!! Later in Brown vs Board of education it was overturned

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