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E/1-43 RD ADA, SUPPORT PLT. “ALCOHOL ABUSE” The irresponsible use of alcohol is considered abuse and is subject to judicial and/or nonjudicial action.

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Presentation on theme: "E/1-43 RD ADA, SUPPORT PLT. “ALCOHOL ABUSE” The irresponsible use of alcohol is considered abuse and is subject to judicial and/or nonjudicial action."— Presentation transcript:


2 “ALCOHOL ABUSE” The irresponsible use of alcohol is considered abuse and is subject to judicial and/or nonjudicial action. (i.e., drunk on duty or driving under the influence of alcohol)

3 The “Disease Concept” of Addiction Why is alcoholism addiction considered a disease?

4 Characteristics of Alcohol Dependence Obsessive and Compulsive Chronic Progressive and Fatal Treatable

5 Criteria for Substance Abuse Failure to fulfill role obligations at work or home Physically Hazardous Legal Problems Continued use despite social or interpersonal problems

6 Consequences of Abuse Impaired effectiveness and poor health Limited performance and advancement Administrative action &/or discharge Judicial (UCMJ) action &/or discharge

7 Alcohol’s Harmful Effects Physical Family/Social Emotional/Psychological Legal Work

8 What Constitutes a Drink ??? 1.5 ounces 80 proof distilled spirits 12 ounce American beer 5 ounce glass of wine 12 ounce wine cooler Absorption and oxidation

9 Tell-Tale Signs… Declining performance Sick 3 of 4 Mondays Upset stomach Lots of mouth wash Lots of cologne Denial/hostility

10 TAKE ACTION Do not cover up Emphasize responsibility and consequences Support, don’t “ENABLE”

11 Guidelines for Responsible Drinking Set a Limit Healthy Activities Eat Know Signs/BAC Drink Standard Size Drink Straight In Morning When Hungry/Thirsty Engage in Contests Drink when upset Mix medicines Do’sDon'ts

12 ALTERNATIVES “Commanders and the chain of command will promote and encourage off-duty sports, educational, cultural, and religious/spiritual pursuits as alternatives to abuse of alcohol and other drugs.” (from AR 600-85)

13 1.Be a role model 2.Educate your soldiers 3.Point out alternatives 4.Be supportive HOW TO PREVENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE


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